This page will also be home to my own personal paranormal there's sure to be SOMETHING of interest here! Happy Haunting!
- Singapore Theory
- Vardogers...a Norwegian Doubles Phenomenon
- Tips for Conducting Outdoor Investigations
- Ghost Hunting vs. Paranormal Investigation
- Apports/Asports
- Dobby the House Elf: Pop Culture Meets Folklore
- Superior Mirages
- The Investigation Hang Over
- Tips for Interviewing a Witness
- 10 Quick and Easy Steps for Picture Analysis!
- Ouija Boards ARE Dangerous
- Pay to Plays
- The Pregnant Investigator
- Ghost FAQS: Going Dark
- Cinematic Research
- Phantom Smells (Phantosmia)
- Paranormal Investigation Movies
- Ghost FAQs: Certification
- George Washington and the Paranormal
- Paranormal Musings and Coincidences
- Athenodorus and the 1st Haunted House
- Haunted Bathrooms
- EVP Tips and Tricks
- Victorian Christmas Ghost Stories
- Charles Bonnet Syndrome
- Graveyard Guardians
- Trigger Objects
- Safety-Getting Permission to Investigate
- Safety-1st Aid Kit
- Safety-Winter Investigations
- Quality Over Quantity in the Paranormal Field
- The Spirit Photography of Edouard Buguet
- Broken Heart Syndrome
- 6 Commonly Misspelled Paranormal Words
- Ghost FAQs: Investigating Alone
- The Paranormal Lockdown
- Having the Client Present During Your Investigation
- Safety-Caffeine and Paranormal Investigation
- Building the Perfect Paranormal Website
- Pareidolia, Apophenia and Simulacrum: Paranormal Vocabulary
- Keeping a Journal
- EVP Tricks: Language
- Faceless Ghosts
- Do Ghosts Watch You Shower?
- Safety-Staying Safe in the Dark
- Theresa's Social Media Accounts *NEW*
- Paranormal Fraud *NEW*
- Theresa's Haunted History Turns 11 Years Old! *NEW*
- 24 Commonly Forgotten Investigation Essentials *NEW*
- Finding the Facts Among the Folklore *NEW*
*Special Feature*