Friday, April 26, 2019

Cheap Ouija

This is another Friday Night Funny image that really speaks to me, lol.  I remember way back in middle school, making Ouija Boards with a pen and notebook paper, during math class.  To be honest, I'm pretty sure I've used a Dorito as a planchette at one point or another.  

I've come a long way since those days, lol.  I love the art and beauty of Ouija and similar talking boards and have amassed a small collection.  I still appreciate those quick, impromptu boards made in pre-Algebra, though!  

If you're a fan of Ouija history and art, check out the Talking Board Historical Society's website

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter from Theresa's Haunted History of the Tri-State!

Happy Easter from Theresa's Haunted History of the Tri-State!  Be sure to join me over on Facebook for lots of spooky Easter-themed posts all day long.  Have a great week, and stay spooky my friends! 

Friday, April 19, 2019

Friday Funny: NSFW

Chalk this one up to things I laughed at harder than I should have!  It actually kind of hits close to home.  I've never had a fear of ghosts, thank goodness, but as long time readers to Theresa's Haunted History blog and Facebook probably know, I've struggled with depression my entire adult life.  It isn't always easy finding mental health professionals with an open enough mind to NOT diagnose you schizoaffective when you tell them that you investigate and research ghosts for a living.  But yeah, sorry for the F-Bomb in this was just too funny not to pass up, lol.  Have a spooky weekend ya'll! 

Friday, April 12, 2019

What's Your Sign?

So, what's your sign?  I'm a Sagittarius, but I er, uh, do NOT set things on fire, lol.  I'm not a pyromaniac in life, so I'm guessing I wouldn't magically become one after I die.  However, I guess I shouldn't rule anything out, right? Let me know in the comments below what YOUR sign is...and whether or not the description fits YOU!   Have a fun weekend, and stay spooky everyone. 

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Budget Ghost Hunting Equipment

So, this meme is supposed to be funny, but it does highlight an important aspect of paranormal investigation:  You don't NEED to spend thousands of dollars on equipment....especially when you're first starting out!  

My very first 'ghost hunting kit' contained a 35mm camera (often supplemented by one of those old disposable cameras), a flashlight, a notebook and pencil, a microcassette recorder that I borrowed from my mom's office, and a cheap compass.

As time went on, I upgraded quite a bit, but to this day, I still haven't really broke the bank on equipment.  It can be fun trying out the latest gadgets featured on your favorite ghost hunting shows, but the truth is, most of that stuff is not really scientifically proven to be able to detect ghosts!

If you're just starting out, I highly suggest you hold off on making any huge purchases for awhile.  Look around your own house and see what you already have that can be used on an investigation.  Most people either own or have access to basic stuff such as flashlights, video and still cameras, voice recorders, temperature recording devices, and basic means of taking notes.  And although I don't normally recommend using a smart phone for investigation purposes, in a pinch they provide access to everything I've listed above, plus a myriad of apps that some ghost hunters swear by.

If you decide that paranormal investigation/ghost hunting is a hobby you'd like to pursue further, THEN start thinking about investing in some higher quality, more specialized equipment. However, DO YOUR RESEARCH!  Don't waste your time or money on fun, flashy gadgets that aren't really of any scientific merit, just because you saw someone else use them.

Be wary of equipment that is specifically marketed towards ghost hunters.  This is for two reasons:  1. As I've said before, there is no way to prove ghosts exists, so its only conjecture at best that these devices can actually detect ghosts.  And, 2. These devices are usually going to be more expensive.  In the case things like cameras and EMF detectors, shop around to see if you can find the same or similar device, NOT being marketed to the paranormal community, for less.  

Also important to note...make sure you know how to use any equipment you might acquire.  Equipment is only as good as the person interpreting its data, so train yourself on how to use your stuff properly.  Know its limitations and potential issues. Finally, take care of your stuff---you're paying for it, so make sure you keep it in good working order. 

And, just a quick bonus tip:  People tend to want to start out in this field by buying a ton of really cool equipment.  Unfortunately, many quickly lose interest in paranormal investigation and end up selling off their stuff for much less than what they paid for it.  Or, as they find that they enjoy the field and want to go further, they upgrade their equipment and sell off their older stuff.  Shop around.  Take a look at places such as eBay and Amazon to try to find the best deals on gently used equipment!  

Friday, April 5, 2019

Someone Like Me: A Friday Funny!

Aww, I love this lil' cartoon by Matt Tarpley!  I'm sure most of us with an interest in the paranormal field have, at one time or another, felt like we'd never find someone spooky like us to share our passion with!  Plus, there's bunnies, making this the perfect Easter-month Friday Night Funny!  Have a fun and spooky weekend everyone! 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Ghostly Face Appears on Porch Column

This is such an interesting lil' historic article from the Charleston, WV area.  Back in 1945, a family noticed a strange image on the stucco of their porch column.  The image looked like the silhouette of a girl's face...but not just any face.  The family who owned the home claims the face resembled that of their daughter, Peggy Sue, who died two years previously on April 4, 1943.  I really wish the picture I found showed a clear image of the silhouette, but I'll keep looking!  Here's the text from the article:

'Face' Appears on Porch Column
The appearance of the profiled silhouette on a stucco porch post at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Weaver of Rand, said by the family and neighbors to resemble the Weavers' deceased daughter, has attracted widespread attention.

Late yesterday, Mrs. Weaver estimated that since Tuesday, several thousand persons have stopped to look at the framed silhouette, which she says started forming in the stucco last January.

According to Mrs. Weaver, she first noticed a light-colored ellipse over a foot in diameter.  Near the center was a dark spot about the size of a cup.  The dark surface grew larger, which she says she took notice of from time to time.  Last Saturday Mrs. Weaver says she asked her husband if he could make anything of it.  After examining the spot, he reluctantly agreed that it was the shape of a child's face.

Word spread that the silhouette resembled the Weavers' daughter, Peggy Sue, who died at the age of 12, April 4, 1943.  Since Tuesday afternoon the silhouette has been the talk of the nearby communities, and yesterday crowds grew to such proportions that Greyhound buses on U.S. Highway 60 running in front of the house were stopping briefly to permit passengers to look. Shown right is Robert Lee Weaver, student at DuPont High School, son of the Weavers. [Gazette photo].

It wasn't until the 1960's that the strange story was widely told. The Miracle of Peggy Sue appeared in the Charleston Gazette's State Magazine on March 17, 1968. This article provided much more information than did the original newspaper clipping (which unfortunately, I cannot find a source for). On April 1, 1945 (Easter Sunday), the pipefitter J.J. Weaver and his wife were at church, talking to friends and acquaintances after the Easter service and brought up a strange image that had appeared on one of their porch columns, about five feet up. It looked like the silhouette of a young girl. The family believed it was the likeness of their daughter, Peggy Sue, who had died two years previously of pneumonia, just shy of her twelfth birthday. 

Peggy Sue had been buried near the Elk River where the family lived at the time of her death, but after her mother had a dream in which Peggy was drowning, her body was exhumed and reburied at Witcher Creek, closer to the new house in Rand. It was shortly after she had been moved that the ghostly image had appeared. 

Curious, the church folk decided to follow the Weavers home to see for themselves. Indeed, there was a strange image that resembled the Weavers' deceased daughter. Word spread quickly, and looky-loos came by the literal busload. There were so many visitors that the Weaver's porch collapsed from the weight, and a fence was put up to keep people out. That wasn't much of a deterrent, though, so the column was removed altogether. When the family later moved to Texas, the column went with them.

A local insurance salesman by the name of Earle Stephens dabbled in photography, and took a picture of the strange image. He then sold prints for a quarter a piece, making over $500 when it was all over. Of course, there were plenty of skeptics out there with explanations as to why a stucco-covered column may have a dark patch on it, and even why it may RESEMBLE a silhouette, especially to a mourning family, but many in the Rand area still believe that they witnessed a miracle on that little front porch.


Beckley Post Herald
30 June 1945

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Charleston's Mortar Man: Weird Wednesday

My attempt at photographing Mortar Man
Along Capitol Street in Charleston, WV there sits a mysterious little man.  Every day, people walk right past the Mortar Man, never even noticing he's there.  But, to those who DO know where to look, Mortar Man has become a local celebrity....and a local legend.

For years, mystery shrouded the tiny figure.  Located 12 feet above the ground, tucked into a corner of brick between two buildings, and measuring in at only 2 inches by 4 inches, its no wonder that so many people never noticed the Mortar Man.  For those who did know of the tiny little figure, now referred to as West Virginia's smallest piece of public art, stories abounded as to how the figure got there, who created him, and of course...WHY.  Was Mortar Man some sort of protector or guardian?  Was he a supernatural creature?  Or was he just someone's idea of a joke?

Turns out, the Mortar Man is the creation of local sculptor, P. Joseph Mullins, best known for work on the Veterans Memorial at the State Capitol Complex.  30 years ago, Mullins was working on the facade of a historic building.  During a lunch break, he took some leftover building materials and sculpted the little fella.  Apparently it took three years before a police officer noticed the figure and people started wondering what the heck was going on! 

Much clearer photo, by Craig Poole
Over the years, Mortar Man has become a favorite with both locals and tourists who have heard of the strange little figure.  When renovations to the building led to the removal of Mortar Man, people threw such a fit that he was replaced.  At one point, someone even tried to steal him!

Luckily, Mortar Man is still holding his ground on Capitol Street.  Go to #108 Capitol Street.  To the left of the building, between its facade and the neighboring building, look straight up about 12 feet.  He's hard to see, but if you're lucky, you'll catch a glimpse of this magical little piece of art history, right here in the Mountain State!

Links for more information:
Mortar Man Facebook
Atlas Obscura
WOWK Article by Craig Poole

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Haunting of Haymond House (Sutton, WV)

Theresa's Note:  Today's blog is a wonderful Guest Blog Submission from Carrie Holcomb-Snuffer about the historic William Edgar Haymond House of Sutton, WV.  The Haymond House is a gorgeous home, which has recently opened up for public and private paranormal investigations, metaphysical and psychic fairs, and much more!  I'm thrilled to be able to bring you information about this location...albeit a bit late, lol.  I meant to run this story weeks ago, but just didn't have the time since I was busy running back and forth between Teays Valley and Grafton every few days.  So, a big apology to Carrie (and you all) for being late!  But, better late than never, and I if you're in the Sutton area, I highly encourage you to check out the historic and haunted Haymond House, located just a short drive from the Braxton County Monster Museum

The William Edgar Haymond House is a Queen Ann style home built in 1894. It still has it's original floors and staircase, both of which are beautiful and without any creaking you would expect to find in a home that is over 100 years old. It sits on a sandstone foundation as well.

The home was built by prominent lawyer, William Edgar Haymond, and was home to two of his wives; Emma Catherine (mother of his two children) (1864-1907) and Ethel Rhodes (1871-1932).  His grandchild, who died at the age of 8, was listed as living in the home at the time of death.

During our investigation weekend we recorded a woman’s voice that was in total shock while we were discussing removing a couple of things from the home (original items). 
Us: “a man told us that these could be removed and sold for a certain amount of money.” 
Woman’s voice: “THOSE???” 
Us: “I think they should stay even if they do not work”
Woman’s voice whisper: “yes” 

On the second floor I had someone or something grab the back of my arm in an innocent way, like it was leading me away from the servant stairs. The next morning (around 5:30am) we captured a voice saying a team member's name.  According to recorders, that member woke up a few minutes later for no reason. We also caught footsteps coming down the steps, along with what sounded like the front door lock unlocking. There were sounds of doors opening and closing all night. We shut the blinds early that evening and left to get dinner. Two were opened when we returned. 

We had a psychic come in, at his request, and said he could feel the energy of a mentally challenged spirit. And also felt that a death occurred in the servant stairwell, either by strangulation or by a hanging. He confirmed that the home holds many spirits but none of them wished any harm to anyone. I have spent two nights in the home and always felt at ease there. 

On a separate weekend stay I had two of our Jr Investigators come along. We caught the sound of a bell ringing on our recorder and having one go outside to the yard where there is a bell still standing and ring it while I recorded it, we got the same sound. On the second floor in the “Pink Room” one of our Jr Investigators became overwhelmed with a panic feeling in her chest. We walked out to the hallway and she felt fine. We reentered the room and she became overwhelmed again, and the ghost box said, “OUT.” Back in the hall we still had the ghost box going. The next three words were 'lifetime', 'exit', and 'terrible.' We feel as though this may be the spirit of the one who died in the house by strangulation or by hanging.

Other reports include the same sounds we caught, along with seeing a woman in white on the stairwell landing between 1st and 2nd floor. The woman in white is also seen going in to the bedroom on the 2nd floor. Reports of a child being seen playing in the basement are recorded as well.

Please go give the William Edgar Haymond House a LIKE on Facebook for updates on future events and information on how you can book an investigation at this hot new haunted location here in the Mountain State, which has already been investigated by prominent local investigators including Dave Spinks and Les O'Dell from WV C.A.S.E.! This sounds like a fascinating location, full of history and spooky (yet benevolent) activity and I cannot wait to visit for myself. 

Monday, April 1, 2019

April Updates at Theresa's Haunted History!

Oh, wow!  It's been a long time since I've updated the blog and given Theresa's Haunted History Facebook Page the attention it deserves!  But, it's a new month and a chance for a new start...and I'm ready to finally get back into the swing of things. 

If you've been following me on Facebook, you might have seen a quick post I made a couple of weeks ago, partly explaining my absence on social media and in the paranormal world:  I GOT MARRIED! That's not an April Fool's Day joke; I actually got married on March 14th at the Harrison County courthouse, wearing a pair of jeans and my Braxton County Monster t-shirt!

 After an exceptionally long bout with depression (which also added to my lack of motivation in keeping things updated around here) I was texting a colleague and accidentally typed in the wrong number.  In a weird case of synchronicity that I cannot explain and still have trouble understanding myself, the number I texted happened to belong to the love of my life....15+ years ago!  We found out who each other was, started talking, and well...the rest is happily ever after.

The only problem is...he lives in Grafton and I live in Teays Valley.  In fact, I actually wrote a blog post about a spooky experience I had on Route 50 (The Headless Shadow Being of Route 50) when I used to drive up here every weekend to see him during our first attempt at romance so many years ago. Now that things are finally calming down somewhat, I'm eager to get started back.  And what better way to get the ball rolling than to once again attempt the Ultimate Blog Challenge for April??  Yeah, seems pretty crazy given my past track record, but I'm going to give it a shot, as I've got so many spooky stories, event updates, book reviews, photos, and much more ghosty goodness that I want to share with you all.

Thank you so much for being so supportive during a difficult-turned-magical time.  I hope you enjoy the fun stuff I have planned for the next month!  Spending so much time in Grafton has given me the opportunity to share photos and stories from a ton of spooky new places that I normally may not have had the opportunity to visit, so I'm hoping this month and all that follow are filled with plenty of inspiration!  I've missed you all and am so excited to start immersing myself back into the paranormal world...and sharing every step along the way with you all. 

Have a great April, and make sure to follow me on Facebook for updates on new blogs and plenty of other awesome, fun stuff.  Oh, and make sure to keep your eyes open...I'm close to an even 5000 LIKES on Facebook, and when that happens, there will be a HUGE giveaway!  I'll be sharing details about that later on, so make sure you check back often to see how YOU can win.  Stay spooky, my friends!