Monday, April 11, 2022

Reincarnation: Reaching Out to Your Previous Family


I love those thought-provoking, sometimes controversial, paranormal-related questions that really require you to think deeply about your own beliefs in this field, and how those beliefs can be applied to hypothetical real-world situations. I especially love those questions that tend to slant towards the ethical concerns of paranormal research and investigation. 

I recently ran across an awesome question that I think is a good example of such. New Jersey Paranormal Investigations posted the following question on their Facebook page on Sunday, April 10, 2022: If you were reincarnated, and remembered your previous life, would you try to contact family members from that life? 

It was a popular post! As of this writing, there were 313 LIKES, 21 SHARES, and 97 people weighed in with their opinion...including me. And, it was kind of a tough question for me to answer. As with so many of these 'what would you do' questions, a lot depends on the circumstances surrounding the issue, and unless I know more about these variables, I'm not entirely sure how I would react.

On one hand, I'm pretty sure I would absolutely try to reach out. If I strongly suspected that I had been reincarnated, and that I remembered my family (and had the knowledge and resources to track them down) I think I'd feel pretty compelled. I would want to seek out my own validation for the strange phenomenon I was experiencing. How many of the details recover could be confirmed by the family? What was my life like back then, and is there anything from that life that has either bled over and influenced by current life? Is there anything that I need to examine from that past life and make right in this one?

As a paranormal researcher, I'd also feel compelled to reach out, not only for my own validation...but for the greater good. If I truly felt that I had been reincarnated, and had either hardcore proof, or at least enough data to suggest a real phenomenon, I'd want to share that with the scientific community. I would WANT my case studied by the best and brightest in the parapsychology field, and hopefully contribute to the body of knowledge in this controversial subject. 

Going back to a more personal direction, if I truly remembered my previous family, there's a good possibility that I'd be longing for an emotional connection. No matter how deeply my love for my current family runs, if I remember my previous loved ones, I think I would still feel that attachment, even if it's just on a subconscious level. In order to feel 'whole' I may feel that I need to stay connected to the past.  And that's where things start getting really messy.

In practical terms, the vast majority of westerners in this day and age would probably react put it nicely, if they were contacted by someone claiming to be the reincarnation of their deceased loved one. I know that if I had someone reach out to me with such a claim, I'd assume they were trying to scam me out of my life savings, or otherwise just trying to troll me and hurt me. I'm honestly not sure how much 'proof' I'd need to even entertain the idea, and I'd probably end up blocking them from further contact before they could even attempt to provide that proof.

But let's say that my previous family is totally open to the idea. I'd like to think that it would be a beautiful thing to reunite with them, and almost pick up where we left off. It would be a sweet confirmation that our loved ones are never really gone. There's that side of me, though, that can't help thinking how psychologically damaging this could potentially be for everyone involved. I wouldn't want to hurt my present family and loved ones by seeking out another family---I don't want them to think they aren't enough. I also wouldn't want to risk hurting those I was reaching out to. Even if they are open to reincarnation, that's got to be quite a shock to receive a communication from someone known to be dead. And just how does one interact with and integrate the new with the old? I can't really romantically show love to my past life husband with his new wife and my current husband there! On a side note, that example is probably a lil' weird anyway, since theoretically, my old husband would now be at least old enough to be my father's age. But you keep a friendly, but distant relationship with your old family, or do you treat them with the same love and affection as the old you? 

Is it better to just let your old family move on without throwing that natural grief process for a loop? Are YOU able to move on and learn what you need to learn from this life if you get too stuck with a previous one? And what happens when all these little evidences of a past life turn out to be nothing more than coincidence?

So yeah. In conclusion, there is no conclusion. I have no idea what I would do in this situation. I just know that should I find myself remembering clear and vivid details, including names of previous family members, I would just tread very, very lightly. I would try to gather as much proof as I can before even attempting to find these people, and then approach with caution. I'd love to know what YOU'D do, though! Let me know down in the comments, or find me on Theresa's Haunted History Facebook to discuss this further. Also, don't forget to check out the links below for more info on the topic of reincarnation. Stay spooky! 

Want MORE Articles on Reincarnation from Theresa's Haunted History?

Morphic Resonance


Past-Life Regression Seminar

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