Monday, July 1, 2024

Weirton UFOs (1966)

Marland Heights Park
Source: City of Weirton

Even before Mothman showed up in Pt. Pleasant, accompanied by a 'flap' of UFO sightings up and down the Ohio River and Kanawha River Valleys, strange lights and crafts were being seen in the skies around the country. In West Virginia's northern Panhandle and surrounding areas, the spring of 1966 saw its own UFO flap, including several reports from Weirton.

As reported in the May 3, 1966 edition of the Weirton Daily Times, three kids (Mark Harris, Kenneth Webb, and Jay Briscoe) were playing basketball at Marland Heights Park when they spotted a UFO flying overhead. Two adults, David Horvat and Carl(?) Taylor, also saw a similar craft soaring over downtown Weirton. Not a lot of information was given in this article, and I couldn't really find any additional details in other articles from around the time period. However, I DID find an article six months after about another UFO sighting in the Marland Heights area!

On November 4, 1966 the Weirton Daily Times reported that John Vujnovic, a local attorney and US Commissioner, along with his ten year old son, Bradley, had seen a UFO several days prior. The two had left the Waterford Race Track (later known as the Mountaineer Race Track) around 10 pm. As they turned onto Rt. 66 on their way home to Overlook Drive, they spotted what appeared to be a very bright star. Soon, they saw this bright light illuminating the hillside, so they stopped the car and got out. They were about 500 feet away from the object when it lit up even brighter and started to come towards them. 

They got in the car and left, but the object followed along behind them. They stopped again, this time only about 400 feet away from the object, which they could now see was about 20 feet in diameter and hovering above the ground. Allegedly, Bradley became concerned, so they got back in the car and drove home, losing sight of the object. After arriving home, John and his wife went back out to search for the craft, but found nothing. The following day, accompanied by another man, John again went out, but found no trace evidence of the UFO. However, he did speak to several local citizens who said they've been seeing the UFO for several weeks!

The Weirton Daily Times
03 May 1966

The Weirton Daily Times
04 November 1966

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