Tuesday, July 2, 2024

UFO Crash Over West Hamlin??

Happy World UFO Day! 

Today is a day to celebrate the strange and fascinating world of ufology, and what better way to do just that than to share a UFO story from right here in West Virginia! The Mountain State is no stranger to UFO sightings, and that was especially true between Autumn of 1966 and Winter of 1967. If those dates sounds familiar, that's because this is the time frame where the small, Ohio Valley town of Pt. Pleasant was being inundated with reports of a large, winged humanoid who would become known as The Mothman. In addition to Mothman, the people of the area were reporting other incidents of high strangeness, including various cryptid sightings, hauntings, poltergeist and psychic activity....and plenty of UFOs. These reports of unidentified flying objects spread throughout the Ohio and Kanawha Valleys, including the town of West Hamlin.

What is interesting about these West Hamlin sightings is that multiple witnesses reported what they believed to be aircraft on fire. This was confirmed by an Eastern Airlines pilot who circled the area and spotted a fire two miles from West Hamlin. However, both a second search plane AND State Police ground forces could find no trace of a fire anywhere in the vicinity. So what were these witnesses seeing? Were that many people independently misidentifying some natural phenomenon that LOOKED like an aircraft on fire...or was there some sort of cover-up concerning a crashed craft, either from an extraterrestrial source, or from right here on Earth? 

Let me know in the comments below what YOU think was going on! 

Sunday Gazette-Mail
02 April 1967

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