Friday, January 28, 2022

(NOT) Taking Psychic Relationship Advice: A Friday Funny

For my birthday last month, my husband and I had a tarot reading with the lovely Josey Rose, based out of the Crystal Lotus Shoppe in St. Albans. Both of our readings were extremely accurate, and extremely relevant to what we both needed to hear at the time. It was a very positive experience for both of us, but my husband had a few misgivings before the reading. He was convinced that the psychic was going to tell me that I should leave him...and he was convinced that if she did, I would actually follow up on it! 

I hope he knows that I'd never be so shallow as to leave him over a psychic reading. However, there's a good chance that if the reader was picking up clues from my higher self telling me what I needed to hear, well...that's another story, lol. Luckily, I have a wonderful husband and a strong marriage based on trust, love, and communication. So, we're good. In today's Friday Funny blog, I'll be sharing the story of another couple who ended up being good, but almost got divorced when a Spiritualist medium told the husband that he would find his 'dream woman.' 

From the 04 April 1914 edition of The Fairmont West Virginian

So, what happened was that a couple from Huntington, WV had filed for divorce. John W. Strauss, 83 years old, wanted to divorce his wife (who was 30 years younger) because he had alleged that she 'tantalized him by taking his clothing from the hooks and tossing them on the floor." It's not clear as to whether John sought the advice of a spiritualist medium before or after the initial request for a divorce was made, but at some point, he was told that if he were divorced, he'd find his dream woman---a blonde of unusual beauty. But, when he couldn't locate this replacement, he decided to work things out with his wife and NOT file for divorce.  Now, if he just wanted to divorce his wife because she threw his clothes on the floor, that's his prerogative. It's still kind of lame, and if that's the worst thing she does, then he should probably feel pretty lucky. But, I can see where that could rub on your last nerve until you finally snap. But, I don't think that's the reason. I think that was the EXCUSE he used to help justify why he wanted to leave a perfectly fine partner, thirty years his junior. I don't think he wanted to explicitly state that he was leaving his wife to wander the state in search of a beautiful blonde soul mate! 

Obviously, I would advise you against filing for divorce solely because a psychic told you there was someone better out there. Ending a relationship is a big decision, and shouldn't be taken lightly. Feel free to seek out the advice of a trusted reader if you want, but use some common sense. As you can see, Strauss never did find his beautiful blonde, but luckily for him, it seems as if his wife was willing to forgive him and take him back. I sincerely hope, though, that the rest of their marriage was filled with her throwing his crap on the floor every day of the year! 

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