Sunday, October 8, 2017

Suspicious Deaths at the Weston State Hospital (1992)

September of 1992 was a bad year for the Weston State Hospital, known today as the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum. Overcrowding, poor conditions, and staff issues had led to a call for the hospital to be closed by 1996, and construction on a new state hospital nearby was already in the works. These problems were intensified when two suspicious deaths happened within a month of each other.

The following article is from the 29 September 1992 issue of the Charleston Gazette newspaper:

By Dawn Miller
Staff Writer

A patient at Weston State Hospital died Sunday night after a fight with another patient who was charged with murder five years ago, according to state police in Lewis County.

This was the second death at the mental hospital within a month.

George Edward Bodie, 46, of Parkersburg received several injuries during a late-night fight and died, apparently as a result of those injuries, said Sgt. B.B. Flanagan of the Weston detachment of the state police.  There were no weapons involved in the fight, he said.

According to police, David Michael Mason, 29, of Moundsville, also a patient at the mental hospital, tried to choke Bodie with his hands during a fight at about 11:30 p.m. on a third-floor ward.

Charges against Mason were pending until an autopsy is done and police talk to the Lewis County prosecutor, said Trooper R.W. Hyre of the Sutton detachment.

In 1987, Mason and another man were charged with first degree murder in the death of Dean Metheny, 49, and with the malicious wounding of Raymond Diller at the same time.  They were declared incompetent to stand trial in 1988.

Dr. Carole Boyd, a medical examiner in Morgantown, examined the body, but would not answer questions Tuesday afternoon, a secretary said.

Hyre said he had talked to Mason, but still didn't know what the fight was about or how it started. Mason remained at the mental hospital and was being watched Sunday night, Hyre said.

"I'm not so sure it was too much of a fight, really," Hyre said.  "There was a struggle, but they weren't standing fist to fist, fighting."

Weston Administrator Rein Valdov did not return phone calls to his office Monday.

Earlier this month, a guard found the badly decomposed boy of Brian Scott Bee, a 21-year-old patient who had disappeared eight days before.  Authorities at the time suspected the death was a suicide.

In September 1987, another patient at the 250-bed hospital was killed. 

Mental health advocate David Gettys said he and his consumer group are concerned about so many deaths. 

"What does the state plan to do about this," said Gettys, director of the West Virginia Mental Health Consumers Association. 

That group planned to meet today with Don Weston, state secretary for health and human resources.

The state has been arguing with mental health advocates and lawyers for years over whether to rebuild the Weston facility, a 19th-century building that is under court order to close by 1996.

The state is continuing with plans to build a new central mental health hospital, a major employer in Lewis County, although a court ruled that the hospital should be replaced with a network of community facilities. 

*Theresa's Note*
I don't remember either of these deaths being discussed much, if at all, during the tours and ghost hunts at the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, and I don't believe there are any specific hauntings related to them. However, it is extremely interesting to note that the article mentions David Michael Mason. As the article states, David Michael Mason took part in the killing of Dean Metheny back in 1987. Although he and James Woods, his accomplice, tried to blame the death on a ghost in the room, both were charged in the murder.

"Dean's Room" is one of the haunted hot spots on the third floor. Witnesses claim that Dean, a deaf-mute in life, is known to 'speak' to investigators through the process of electronic voice phenomenon. He also enjoys communicating through other ghost hunting gadgets, turning flashlights on and off, and giving gentle hugs to visitors. I'll be posting more information about Dean's murder in a later blog, so look for that soon!*


  1. I do not believe that G. Bodie was involved in a fight. I knew him and he was a calm person. The person that killed him did not like "r" people and was put in the wrong wing.

    1. Retard. People are afraid to say but aren't smart enough to say mentally challenged, special needs or handicapped. Just say retard it don't u a bad person it's just a word what makes it worse than mental. We need to stop being retarded and making words bad. Just don't use it like I just did. Which was to make a point. Special needs people are capable of amazing things.

    2. It means retarded people.. I didn't mean to make it sound like I was calling the the one who asked what's r people mean a retard. To clear things up in my comment above.

    3. David was a calm person too, take his shit? Not so much! I think we all need to acknowledge that our family members were way fucked up

    4. Bodie took chewing tobacco from a patient that David gave him! So, was Bodie violent? Nope! Nieteher was David, but how dare anybody take a gift he gave a friend! Sound absurd to you? Imagine being mentally I’ll and that kind of shit dictates your day!

    5. I knew David Micheal Mason very well, if there was anything to do with dark snneakie in the background type stuck 97%yes David did it! I knew him on a level most would never get to know him, I got him high in the new hospital in Weston weed,and he was the scariest person I ever met on weed and in life 🧬 then I got to know him when he had a huge crush on me!!!! The things he would say would scare most, but I can n could take care of myself,plus I had some touch boys who David got along with that watched my back!!! David was a very quiet, loud appearance person!

  2. There was no fight. Mr. Bodie was a peaceful fellow with no aggression. Mr. Mason was extremely mentally disturbed with violent tendencies. He felt that lower functioning patients were "breathing up all the good air." This was Mason's 2nd murder.

    1. Yes, he defines mental illness…the fact that he thought he was better? Mental illness, periid

  3. It was his second murder, which begs the question, “why was he back in general population”?

    1. Exactly! David wasn’t “retarded”, he was incredibly talented and intelligent….he was also very sick, schizophrenic, paranoid and protecting his friends….doesn’t make what he did ok, makes us understand it better

    2. That hospital is t set up like that, there a small elevator that goes to 3/4 floors and each unit has maybe 50 in each open rooms n day area,they have a movie theater, a gym a large caged smoking grounds,on certain levels they can walk around without staff,yes David Micheal Mason,did have the earned privilege to walk outside those cages unlocked without staff!!! That's how I got him high one day! So he could again prolly not but ever hear of Norman Rentals, he has the right as well to walk around freely, but he also is one of the reasons for the fence around the building,the family members n friends of his victims or victim came up to the hospital and threw glass beer bottles at him I'm not so sure about how this went but supposedly someone threw a bottle on fire and it hit him or almost,but he's one of the reasons for the high-rise fence with razor wire

  4. What I have learned after this experience of a family member with a serious mental illness? I have never been so grateful for Weston, that WVa has a state hospital! We don’t have that in Florida, the homeless and mentally I’ll simply exist in our streets, with no help, certainly nothing like David ever had

    1. OMG 🙀 David didn't need help he needed confined,I knew him very well and he was very scary, I smoked a joint with him, 2/5 hits he took,which Dave only smoked a certain way,like a joint very tight in his fingers and very tight pressed lips around the nonfilter, ( when he hit that j he became very angry 😡 yes angry,never ever thought I would ever meet anyone who would become angry on weed, he began slamming the picnic bend up and down on the ground and started screaming 😱 unreal words!!!!

  5. OMG I knew him, Dave Micheal Mason, the killer, enough people want to know I'll tell you about him, I have proof of everything!!!!!!! Please ask your guys will never believe this man!

  6. I'm curious how did David Mason end up dying? Like cause of death?? I this it's disgusting what he did he may be mentally ill but he was also a bully the worst kind that looked for ppl weaker than him with no voice and torture killed them because they couldn't stop him and the other guy they are both monsters I save my kitty for their victims that guy they killed was like 10 years old mentally he probably was so afraid and did not understand why they were hurting him and no one came to save and protect him from the monsters it's so horrible the pain and fear he must have felt. I'm curious how his murders died? Did they have a peaceful passing in a protected space like their victims should have had or did they ever face the reality of what they did???
