Friday, May 7, 2021

Mothman is Inform You About Your Car's Extended Warranty


Happy Friday! I hope your weekend is full of spooky fun, and your phone is free from calls regarding your car's extended warranty. But, if you do get a call from an unknown number, maybe go ahead and answer it ...unless of course you WANT to be chased down the highway by West Virginia's favorite flying humanoid. 

Heehee, on a separate note, I've seen this artwork many times before the hilarious caption was added, but I never really took the time to look closely. I love the license plate (which hopefully I'm correctly interpreting as meaning 'Fortean') and the fact that the steering wheel is on the opposite side of what you'd see in Pt. Pleasant, WV, leading me to believe the artist may be European?

If you or someone you know is responsible for the original artwork, or for adding the bit about the extended warranty (which is cracking people up all over social media) let me know so I can give credit where credit is due. Stay spooky, ya'll. 

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