Saturday, February 4, 2023

East Wheeling Giant Skeleton

From the Shepherdstown Register, November 29, 1856. 

When Sheriff Wickham of East Wheeling was having some work done on his vineyard property, workmen were surprised to find a human skeleton---a GIANT human skeleton---measuring almost eleven feet tall with jaws and teeth almost as large as a horse's. So what does one do when finding the remains of another human being on their property? Put them on display in their office, of course, which is exactly what Sheriff Wickham did. 

As I said in my post last month about a giant skeleton found in Harrison County, old West Virginia newspapers are FULL of these types of stories. It seems like every town has its own giant skeleton, attributed to an ancient Indian of epic size and buried with various types of ornamentation. Some of the bodies are sent to museums. Some are simply lost. None, however, seem to receive a respectful and proper reburial. And we wonder why West Virginia is so haunted...

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