
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Huntington's Museum of Radio and Technology

This past February, I had the chance to represent HPIR's Haunted and Historical Guyandotte Tours at the annual History Day at the Legislature.  In this yearly event, historical societies and organizations from all over the state meet in the capitol rotunda to share information and present displays of historical significance to the state.

Among many of the wonderful people I met and chatted with were several members of the Museum of Radio and Technology, located in Huntington, WV.  Seeing that I was representing a tour business offering ghost tours and ran by a paranormal investigation group, the wife of the former president shared with me some interesting information about the museum...

...It seems that the museum may house not only decades worth of radio and technology history, but also a ghostly imprint or two!

The museum is housed in what was once the old Harveytown Elementary school, located on Florence Avenue in Huntington, and butted right up against the Harvey Cemetery.  Although I haven't verified it, I believe the school was built either in the late 1920s or early 1930s, and was still operating as a school at least into the early 1980s (based on yearbook photos I found online!). 

The many years of children passing through these halls has possibly led to a psychic imprint, sometimes picked up on by more intuitive guests.  The main "hauntings" of this building are auditory, and consist largely of an incident where several people at one time witnessed what sounded like the voices of children singing together.  This sound was coming from the auditorium, possibly from the loudspeaker.  However, there was no one present in the building, and no electronics turned on that could account for the sounds heard.

Another incident may have been slightly more intelligent in nature.  Witnesses felt a cold breeze blow past them, among various other bits of oddness.  Nothing has ever felt scary or malevolent, and years ago an investigation of the property yielded the conclusion that nothing there was out to harm anyone.  Are these the voices from a period long ago bleeding through into our realm?  Does the collection of antique radios and equipment attract those from another time?  Visit the museum some weekend, and find out!

Photo above circa 1955, showing the inside of the auditorium.  Courtesy of the Cabell County Board of Education.

Museum Website

I found a ton of history on Harveytown itself, which I'll be adding shortly!  If you have any questions until then, please feel free to contact me!


  1. I wonder if any of the activity is related to the cemetery. I'm amazed at how common it is for buildings to be built on top of graves.

  2. I wondered that myself...but there are so many other factors thrown in that I don't know if we'll EVER find the source. There's the cemetery, the decades of children passing through the halls, its current condition of being literally stuffed with 100s of wonderful antiques including military equipment, and the fact that one of the more famous alumni from the school dying in a horrific plane crash. All make for a perfect haunting!

  3. I live on harvey rd. I'd like to hear more stories lol

    1. I'm not sure I have any additional stories from Harveytown, but I do have a few coming from nearby Central City! Keep an eye out, and thank you for visiting Theresa's Haunted History!

  4. As the current Vice President of the museum, I've spent thousands of hours in this building and have yet to hear or see anything unusual. I have never even felt anything unusual. A more active place I think is the ex-Nitro studios of WPBY channel 33, where it is rumored that a little girl choked to death eating lunch in the cafeteria. The TV studio, now used for storage, used to be an elementary school at one time. Many of us working there saw weird stuff going on there.

    Don from Point Pleasant.
