
Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter 2022!

 Happy Easter from Theresa's Haunted History of the Tri-State!

April is another busy month here at Theresa's Haunted History of the Tri-State and for the Spectral Research and Investigation team. Conferences, tours, investigations, book research, AND another attempt at the Ultimate Blog Challenge have kept me on my toes...and that's not even taking into consideration that my kid is playing another season of baseball! 

So, today, I'll be taking a rare day off and spending time with family...but that doesn't mean the spookiness has to take a break. Theresa's Haunted History is always available to provide you with your paranormal fix! I've already scheduled plenty of Easter-themed ghostly posts over at my Facebook page for you to enjoy throughout the day. In addition, there's a ton of NEW content right here on the blog. Whether your interests lie more in the ghosts and hauntings side of the paranormal, or if you prefer cryptozoology, ufology, psychic/spiritualism, or just general West Virginia weirdness, it's all here---with plenty of local history thrown in. Theresa's Haunted History continues to grow, and continues to be one of the largest online repositories of haunted locations throughout the Mountain State and beyond. 

I've really enjoyed being able to share with you West Virginia's haunted history, and I've enjoyed seeing how this blog has evolved over the years, incorporating even more aspects of Fortean phenomena into the mix. I've been really motivated this year to explore different directions in which to take my work and I think the natural progression is to focus more on ALL of West Virginia's weird and wonderful history. But, I still want this blog to have a little 'something for everyone.' Therefore, expect to continue seeing posts on different aspects of paranormal investigation, paranormal theory, and of course, haunted locations/mysterious happenings from Kentucky, Ohio, and beyond! 

But, as always, I want to hear from YOU. Leave me a comment below on what YOU'D like to see more of on Theresa's Haunted History. I might be taking a quick break today, but I'll be right back at it tomorrow, researching and writing all the strange and unusual paranormal content that can only be found right here on Theresa's Haunted History blog. 

Have a wonderful Easter holiday and as always, stay spooky y'all!

*Be sure to check out my Haunted West Virginia Page for quick access to TONS of haunted locations throughout the Mountain State, many of which YOU can visit!*

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