
Saturday, April 30, 2022

April Wrap Up


It's April 30th...which means it's the last day of this round of the Ultimate Blog Challenge! I'm super proud to announce that I've completed the challenge...30 days straight of new blog content! 

And that was on top of a pretty busy month. Last night, Spectral Research and Investigations completed our second Investigation of the Glen Ferris Inn in Fayette County. We were joined by Buffy and Kim of MiMi Paranormal and had a wonderful time.

Unfortunately, quite a few more guests meant a little less paranormal activity, but we still had some strange things going on. Something seemed rather interested in setting off the trigger objects brought by MiMi Paranormal. We may have made contact with a lonely (and raunchy!) young man who stayed at the inn when it was used as housing for local workers. And...Brian once again seemed to tap into the spirits using the Estes Method, answering direct questions. 

Keep an eye on the SRI YouTube and social media pages for updates as we go through the process of analyzing the data for potential evidence! 

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