
Friday, July 3, 2020

The Bee Gee Board

A friend recently sent this to me and I thought it was perfect for today's Friday Funny! It reminded me of a recent incident with my son. He has his moments of fleeting interest, but for the most part he absolutely does not follow in my footsteps with a love of all things spooky.

After watching the paranormal episode of Brain Games on Disney+, which featured a segment on how the Ouija Board operates using the ideamotor principle (and is NOT controlled by spirits) I thought it would be funny to pull out our own Ouija Board for Family Game Night!  My child was NOT impressed and refused to play. I asked him what he was afraid of, given that we just watched an explanation on how it wasn't paranormal.  His reply was that the Brain Games show was only ONE opinion, and he had seen plenty of other videos that to him, proved Ouija Boards were portals to the spirit world, and he wasn't about to take any chances. I guess I should be happy that my son is overly cautious when it comes to things like that.

I hope you stay overly cautious this weekend as well!  Have a safe and happy Fourth of July weekend. Practice social distancing, don't drink and drive, watch your fingers around fireworks, and as always...


For more Ouija Board information, including an explanation of the ideomotor principle, see my article, Ouija Boards ARE Dangerous.

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