
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Haunting of Haymond House (Sutton, WV)

Theresa's Note:  Today's blog is a wonderful Guest Blog Submission from Carrie Holcomb-Snuffer about the historic William Edgar Haymond House of Sutton, WV.  The Haymond House is a gorgeous home, which has recently opened up for public and private paranormal investigations, metaphysical and psychic fairs, and much more!  I'm thrilled to be able to bring you information about this location...albeit a bit late, lol.  I meant to run this story weeks ago, but just didn't have the time since I was busy running back and forth between Teays Valley and Grafton every few days.  So, a big apology to Carrie (and you all) for being late!  But, better late than never, and I if you're in the Sutton area, I highly encourage you to check out the historic and haunted Haymond House, located just a short drive from the Braxton County Monster Museum

The William Edgar Haymond House is a Queen Ann style home built in 1894. It still has it's original floors and staircase, both of which are beautiful and without any creaking you would expect to find in a home that is over 100 years old. It sits on a sandstone foundation as well.

The home was built by prominent lawyer, William Edgar Haymond, and was home to two of his wives; Emma Catherine (mother of his two children) (1864-1907) and Ethel Rhodes (1871-1932).  His grandchild, who died at the age of 8, was listed as living in the home at the time of death.

During our investigation weekend we recorded a woman’s voice that was in total shock while we were discussing removing a couple of things from the home (original items). 
Us: “a man told us that these could be removed and sold for a certain amount of money.” 
Woman’s voice: “THOSE???” 
Us: “I think they should stay even if they do not work”
Woman’s voice whisper: “yes” 

On the second floor I had someone or something grab the back of my arm in an innocent way, like it was leading me away from the servant stairs. The next morning (around 5:30am) we captured a voice saying a team member's name.  According to recorders, that member woke up a few minutes later for no reason. We also caught footsteps coming down the steps, along with what sounded like the front door lock unlocking. There were sounds of doors opening and closing all night. We shut the blinds early that evening and left to get dinner. Two were opened when we returned. 

We had a psychic come in, at his request, and said he could feel the energy of a mentally challenged spirit. And also felt that a death occurred in the servant stairwell, either by strangulation or by a hanging. He confirmed that the home holds many spirits but none of them wished any harm to anyone. I have spent two nights in the home and always felt at ease there. 

On a separate weekend stay I had two of our Jr Investigators come along. We caught the sound of a bell ringing on our recorder and having one go outside to the yard where there is a bell still standing and ring it while I recorded it, we got the same sound. On the second floor in the “Pink Room” one of our Jr Investigators became overwhelmed with a panic feeling in her chest. We walked out to the hallway and she felt fine. We reentered the room and she became overwhelmed again, and the ghost box said, “OUT.” Back in the hall we still had the ghost box going. The next three words were 'lifetime', 'exit', and 'terrible.' We feel as though this may be the spirit of the one who died in the house by strangulation or by hanging.

Other reports include the same sounds we caught, along with seeing a woman in white on the stairwell landing between 1st and 2nd floor. The woman in white is also seen going in to the bedroom on the 2nd floor. Reports of a child being seen playing in the basement are recorded as well.

Please go give the William Edgar Haymond House a LIKE on Facebook for updates on future events and information on how you can book an investigation at this hot new haunted location here in the Mountain State, which has already been investigated by prominent local investigators including Dave Spinks and Les O'Dell from WV C.A.S.E.! This sounds like a fascinating location, full of history and spooky (yet benevolent) activity and I cannot wait to visit for myself. 


  1. Nice story. If I know a place I want to visit is haunted, I will not go, it's just me. Some people find it thrilling.

  2. I'm from there and have been by that home many times. Next time I'm in area to visit would love to check it out. I live in a old farm house built in 1903 now. I have strange occurrences in the home. I hear walking has been lights come on and off. I was recently videoing a pet playing and had orbes in video. It was not smoke or dust. I would love to have my home checked and see who is still lingering

  3. hi unknown, i am the lead investigator for ghost light paranormal, i saw your comment and would like to offer you a chance to find out whaats in your home, we have over 12 yrs of experience in this field, I to am an high level Empath with very strong abilities, weve investigated many locations over time , our investigations of course are free and confidential , kept on a proffessional level, If you feel like you might be interested please contact us via facebook on my home page or ghost light paranormal via fb ty and have a great day

    1. I’m the owner of the home Teresa Frame you can reach me at 304-651-1729 give me a call and we’ll get something worked out.

  4. We would be interested. We are Draco Paranormal, look us up on Facebook

    1. We have empaths and psychics on our team

    2. I’m Teresa the owner you can contact me at 304-651-1729

  5. Great post! I'm planning a visit to this location in the near future and this was a great read to prepare for it!
