
Saturday, October 27, 2018

Personal Experience at Cabell Huntington Hospital

If you follow me on Theresa's Haunted History of the Tri-State Facebook page, you may remember seeing a post from way back on July 28, 2018 asking for any information on potential hauntings or personal experiences from the Cabell Huntington Hospital in Huntington, WV.

Cabell Huntington (Source)

In the comment section, I did share WHY I was asking, but I wanted to go ahead and share it again here, just so that hopefully my story will reach more people and hopefully someone else will come forward with more information!  Anyway, here's what happened to me...

I'm pretty sure it was Thursday evening.  My son, Luke (8 years old at the time) had gone to the local library earlier that day to watch a program about wolves.  We were now sitting around the house waiting to go to a birthday party for a family friend when Luke started complaining that he was having some pain in the boy parts.  It wasn't real bad, so I suggested he take a nice warm bath before the party to see if that helped.  By the time he got out, the pain was worse and he decided he felt too bad to go to the party.  Luke has a pretty high tolerance for pain, so I knew if he was willing to miss a party, he was feeling bad.  And, even though I still didn't think there was anything really wrong, I decided to throw him in the car and run him down to the local MedExpress before they closed...just to be sure.  We were leaving on Saturday for the beach, and if he needed any prescriptions or anything I wanted to have plenty of time to fill them.

As we pull up to the MedExpress, Luke is now in so much pain that he can't sit down.  They take him right back, and at this point, I'm still thinking its nothing too bad.  My first thought was that he had a UTI, and that the doctor was going to tell Luke to stop using bubble bath. However, the doctor pushed on his left testicle and this kid let out a yelp of pain that I had never heard before.  THAT is when things got serious.  Luke was tentatively diagnosed with testicular torsion, but needed an ultrasound to confirm it.  The doctor told us we had a choice of hospitals:  Women's and Children's in Charleston, or Cabell Huntington in Huntington.  These were the only two options because she said if he needed emergency surgery, these would be the best two places to be.  We thought we could make it to CHH quicker, so we were sent on our way, with instructions to go straight there, without stopping.

Our doctor had called ahead, so when we checked into the emergency room at Cabell Huntington, we didn't have to wait too long until we were called back into the ultrasound waiting room.  And, this is where my experience happened!

There were a group of us who were called back to the ultrasound waiting room together.  There was a middle aged man by himself, a man in his 50s or 60s there with his wife, and Luke, along with my mom and I.  The six of us were shown into a fairly good sized waiting room to await our individual turns back to the ultrasound room.  This room was rectangular, running parallel to the hallway.  The side of the waiting room against the hallway was all glass.  The younger man sat near the door on the short wall; the older couple sat under the windows about 3/4 of the way from the waiting room door, and Luke, my mom and I sat in the corner furthest from the door.  Luke and I sat in the last two chairs facing the windows, and my mom sat in the adjoining chair on the short wall.

The only other person we saw the whole time in that area of the hospital was the nurse who came to take us from the waiting room to the ultrasound room.  It was shortly after the younger man had been taken back, that I noticed movement coming down the hall.  I looked up briefly and saw a young boy.  I couldn't get a great look at him, but he had dark hair, not quite a bowl cut, but similar.  From his height and size, I would guess him to be anywhere from 6-10 years old. I can't recall what he was wearing, but it wasn't a hospital gown.  It wasn't anything that would stand out, like old-fashioned clothing, either.  He just looked like a normal kid...mostly.

I have no idea what it was about him, but something just FELT off. I thought it was weird that this kid was being allowed to walk in this section of the hospital by himself, so I was focusing less on HIM, and watching the hallway behind him to see if he was accompanied by anyone.  No one else ever came down the hall.  While all this was going on, the kid was still walking down the hall, and he was passing behind where the older couple was sitting.  These people weren't huge, but they were bigger people.  They were tall and broad shouldered, so they took up quite a bit of viewing area.  However, I could still see the top of the kid's head moving behind them.  But, what was weird...he never passed by them.  There was still a good bit of unblocked window space between the couple and the wall and this kid just never showed up in that space.  I even got up out of my seat to look for a door or hall he could have gone through, but there was nothing but blank wall there.  It left me feeling a little eerie, but I kind of just chalked up the whole thing to the stress of the situation.

Luckily, whatever was wrong with my son corrected itself.  His ultrasound came back clear and he felt fine the next day. He has since had no more problems.  Although the ultrasound didn't indicate it, his doctor felt that perhaps he DID have a slight case of testicular torsion, but that the twisty bits had un-twisted themselves so quickly after that it didn't do any damage.  That still leaves the question of what I saw that evening in the ultrasound waiting room, around 9 p.m.  When I asked on my Facebook page, no one came forth with any similar experiences...but that's where things took an even weirder turn, lol.

So, last month I saw a new story pop up on one of my favorite websites, WV Ghosts.  It was from Cabell Huntington Hospital!  I'm reading this story, and with a few altered details, it is the same story that I had told back in July!  I thought that it was really, really weird...but hey, maybe someone had an eerily similar experience as me and this would be a great confirmation!  I contacted the owner of the site, and found out the story was submitted the same day that I made my post.  When we looked at it, there were even some of the same words used that I had used in my post...That post is still available, and can be found HERE.

I'm still curious, though.  If you have a similar experience, or ANY experience from Cabell Huntington please let me know!  You can drop me a comment here, or catch me over at Theresa's Haunted History Facebook page.  Stay spooky, ya'll!

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