
Friday, October 5, 2018

My Toilet is Possessed by the Devil

When I was a kid, one of my greatest treats in life was being allowed to buy a Weekly World News at the grocery store checkout stand every time I got dragged along to Kroger. The Weekly World News introduced me to West Virginia's own Bat Boy, spontaneous human combustion, and a whole array of aliens, ghosts, cryptids, and just plain weird stuff.  I don't remember this particular story...but there's no mistaking that black and white  layout of MY favorite publication! If you look VERY closely along the right hand side, it appears as if the original publication date was August 31, 1993 or 1998.

 This lady dealing with the possessed toilet needs to join up with the Haunted Toaster lady; they can start a support group for owners of bedeviled household necessities!  Or, maybe there needs to be a toilet-only possession support group.  It seems as if this toilet isn't the only demonic commode to be featured in the pages of the Weekly World News.

The possessed toilet articles are obviously another installment of my Friday Funnies series...but for those of you who might want a little more...scholarly....reading on the topic of why a bathroom may be haunted, I've written an article explaining MY thoughts.  You can read it here:  HAUNTED BATHROOMS  Stay spooky...and keep your guard up the next time you have to take a restroom break!


  1. Theresa,

    I'm visiting from Ramblin' with AM after I noticed your comment stating that you grew up in WV. That's my home state. My BIL lives outside of Huntington in the community of Williamson. I'm a few years older than you...okay maybe a couple of decades but who's counting. Stop that, I see you using your fingers! :) Anywho, the possessed toilets are crazy funny. We have one that doesn't cooperate very well but possessed? Nah, it's just needs replacing. lol It was great meeting you. Have a fantastic Friday!

    1. Hi, Cathy! Wonderful hearing from you. Small world, huh?

  2. Who knew that haunted toilets could bring people together? Or memories of Batboy? Too funny.

  3. Finished reading and I am still laughing! Who poses for the photos? Is the Priest a real priest?? This is too funny!

  4. Great story. I love stories like this. More stories like this please...
