
Sunday, January 7, 2018

January 2018 Updates!

We're only a week into 2018, and I already feel the need to do a quick update blog! There is so much going on this month

1. Grave City Haunted Relic Expo---On January 20th, my friend and I will be traveling to Moundsville, WV to set up a table for the Grave City Haunted Relic Expo, hosted by Steve Hummel of the Archive of the Afterlife Museum! There is a great lineup of speakers, live music, and some excellent vendors. I'll be promoting Theresa's Haunted History, as well as selling some small, spooky trinkets. If you're in the area, PLEASE stop by! Admission is only $5 and it looks like its going to be a really fun event.

2. Patreon---After much deliberation, I have been convinced to join Patreon. Patreon is a website where people can easily and safely donate money to the content creators of their choice. Those pledging $1 or more a month to Theresa's Haunted History will receive a personalized postcard from my haunted travels. Those pledging $3 or more a month will receive a goody bag with various ghost-related items. Please do not feel obligated to make a donation---no matter what, I still plan on improving both the quantity and quality of content on this blog and on Facebook, but I hope the added incentive will assist me in the development of a YouTube channel. Thank you in advance to anyone willing to throw a few bucks my way, though!

3. Guest Bloggers---On January 1st, I made a call for guest bloggers to share their stories, expertise, and perspectives on all things paranormal. To my surprise, there was an amazing response! The first of what I hope will be a LONG line of submissions was posted already, with a new post coming tomorrow. Keep an eye on the blog for all the great guest blogs coming your way. If you're interested in becoming a guest blogger, please let me know!

4. Halloween Blog---After another hiatus, I've revived my Halloween blog, and have been doing a pretty good job in keeping it, as well as thing one, updated! If you crave Halloween content all year round, please come check it out and share it with your friends.

5. YouTube Channel and Book---These are my two BIG projects of 2018, and preparations are already well underway. Check back for updates!

6. Re-writes and Updates---A lot of posts on this blog are outdated, some being originally posted at my old website as early as 2006. When I first started compiling these entries, they weren't designed for the public to see; they were a way to keep track of potential locations to look into for investigations and further research. Therefore, many entries are not well-written, they aren't complete, or information has just simply changed (or become available). I've also grown a LOT as a researcher. I have more access to additional resources, and more experience. I need to go back and just improve on some of the earliest entries. I've already started, and it is a monumental task, lol. And quite honestly...I've been a little lazy with it. If there is a location that I KNOW I am never going to investigate, I won't go super in-depth with its history. One of these days, I'm going to make a video and show all the documents I collect and all the work I put into the research behind an actual investigation location so people won't think I'm just an idiot who doesn't know what she's doing, lol. The best place to keep current with these updates will be on my Facebook page.

Well, that's what's going on with me so far in 2018! How has your new year been going? What goals and plans do you have coming up? Hop on over to Theresa's Haunted History Facebook and let me know! Stay Spooky, ya'll. 

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