
Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year's Resolutions

Source plus my 3 second alteration!
Happy New Year to all the readers out there! It has been a long time since I've posted a blog, and I've really missed it. Unfortunately, I became extremely jaded and horribly unmotivated awhile back, which caused the blog to suffer. But, it is a new year and a new opportunity to not just pick up where I left off, but to make some changes for the better.

Without further adieu, here are my New Year's Resolutions for Theresa's Haunted History of the Tri-State!

1. I will take ANY criticism, warranted or not, no matter how rudely or nicely presented, as CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM  and use it as motivation to improve this blog and the information presented within. I know I'm not if you see any corrections that need to be made, please be kind and please provide accurate documentation to prove those claims. I am way too sensitive and need to not take things as personally--as I work on that, please bear with me, lol.

2. I will not let those who plagiarize my work cause me to shut down. I will take it as flattery, but I will still politely ask them to give credit where credit is due, lol.

3. I will make a valiant effort to post new, fresh content at least twice a week, especially in regards to West Virginia hauntings, an area that has ironically suffered quite a bit.

4. I will make a valiant effort to re-write or update many of my early entries on haunted locations, especially in West Virginia. Although the blog itself only dates back to 2011, most of my Haunted WV entries date back to around 2006...and were never meant to be public. There is a LOT more information out there now, especially on the internet, and my skills as a researcher have improved a lot since those early days, so those early entries definitely need a makeover!

5. I will remember that this is my passion, and while I will never stop doing what I love, I couldn't have made it this far without the support and encouragement (and readership!) from my awesome fans! I appreciate you all.

Have a safe, happy, prosperous 2016!

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