Over the past year, Theresa's Haunted History of the Tri-State has taken on a pretty diverse readership, thanks to expanding outside of just tri-state area haunts. I'm proud to announce that not only is this blog a premier source of information for haunted history of WV and the surrounding states, but also offers articles on a variety of subjects, book reviews, and even popular ghost photos! Because of this diversity, people of all interests seem to stumble upon this blog.
As regular readers, I thought you might be wondering....just what are people looking for? Using my statistics tools, available free with this blog, I'm listing the TOP FIVE blog posts for the week, in terms of unique pageviews. Have YOU read these entries yet?
1. The top spot goes to Thornewood Castle, the REAL Rose Red House with 195 views this week alone. This popular haunted location in Washington State is consistently one of the most viewed submissions on this site, and I contribute it to several things...People LOVE Stephen King, and people LOVE a good controversy, lol. I wrote about this location several years ago on my first attempt at Theresa's Haunted History because I was such a fan of the Stephen King miniseries, Rose Red, and I also wanted to incorporate a Haunted America category into my writing. People are STILL finding this blog, looking for questions about whether the movie was based on real people and events. My answer sometimes disappoints...
2. Coming in at number two is another fan favorite, The Amityville Demon Boy Photo. Uncovering new evidence about an iconic photo from an iconic case by iconic investigators (Ed and Lorraine Warren) was one of the best things I could have done for blog traffic, lol. See what all the fuss is about, along with the 181 other viewers this week!
3. I'm proud to say that spots 3-5 actually get back to what this blog is really all about--WV ghosts and folklore. The number three spot actually belongs to a piece that I wrote covering a quick menagerie of haunted locations around the WVU campus. 40 people this week have been wondering just what goes bump in the night at those hallowed halls.
4. Next, the Ghostly Duo of Sharkey's Fins Cafe has received 33 viewers since it was posted a few days ago. HPIR just recently did an investigation of this location, so check out my impressions, as well as some of the history of this unique location in Huntington, WV!
5. Close behind Sharkey's with 30 unique pageviews is one of my favorite tales from the WV ghostlore collection---Ikie's Tomb. If you haven't read this blog yet, you HAVE to go see what locals are saying about this haunted burial place for a young boy.
And there you have it! The top five most viewed blogs for the week of December 2-9. What was YOUR favorite blog post this week?
Also...I want to hear from you, readers! Would you like to see monthly updates of the most viewed blogs? Weekly updates? Or should I completely abandoned these types of blog posts? Let me know what YOU want to see and read at Theresa's Haunted History of the Tri-State! Feel free to comment below, or follow me on FaceBook to voice your opinion, see updates to this blog, and catch the latest paranormal news and tri-state events!
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