
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Theresa's Top Links for May!

 I've been slow to post for awhile...been working on some big projects and some investigation and tour stuff.  However, I wanted to get something up and running on here to test out this first link in May's Links of the Month post!  As an added bonus, instead of the traditional Top Five links, we're gonna shoot for Top TEN!

1. Before its News--this site is sort of a compilation/RSS feed type deal for different types of, well, news, lol.  It features a lot of blogs and other small online publication sources, and is complete with a section devoted entirely to the Unexplained.  A couple of weeks ago I received an email from a gentleman representing the site asking if I would give permission to allow Theresa's Haunted History to be added.  It doesn't look like I have to actually DO anything besides simply post to my blog as normal, so I said yes!  It does look like a pretty cool site, though, and I appreciate being considered for inclusion.  With this new post, I should "go live," so to speak!

2. The IR Shadow--I previously posted this information piece on my FaceBook page, but its worth a second mention here.  This educational piece about this common photographic anomaly is written by Sparks Spirit Hunters.  It is so simply stated, that even a less-than-techie person such as myself can not only understand it, but explain it to others, lol.  There's also a great diagram.  Scroll down a little ways to read the section concerning the IR Shadow.

3. Haunted and Historic Guyandotte Tours--Shameless self-plug here, but we're kicking off this Saturday with a special spring tour season.  Join us for a FREE walking tour of Huntington's oldest neighborhood as we guide you through a full-moon themed journey of history and hauntings!  A LOT of work goes into making these tours fun and different each year, so we really appreciate our loyal fans who join us year after year, and spread the word.

4. The Original West Virginia Paranormal--I wanted to give a special shout-out to this team for hosting last month's Conference for the Cure!  It was a lot of fun, and was for a great cause.  Thanks for letting us be a part of it, guys!

5. Your Ghost Stories--This website features tons of visitor submissions, but also has directories for both paranormal investigation groups and ghost tours.  I've posted my TNT area experience here, and of course, added entries into both directories! 

6. Bruce Chapel--Bruce Chapel, a historic church in Mason County long rumored to be haunted, now has its own FaceBook!  Come give them a LIKE, and set up an investigation today!  May is National Historic Preservation Month, and your modest investigation donation will go a long way to help restore and preserve this location.

7. Mothman Museum--Pt. Pleasant features the ONLY Mothman Museum in the world!  Videos, documents, and even movie memorabilia can be found in this wonderful little gem, located right in downtown Point. Pleasant.  They also offer Mothman Bus Tours, featuring many sites of interest between downtown and the TNT area.  While cleaning out my closet in preparation for my neighborhood's annual yard sale, I stumbled upon a manila envelope containing my certificate for the tour, and all the tour-related swag that comes with that's why this location came to mind, lol.  On an unrelated note, since finding that envelope, I am now craving a Mothman Burger from Harris'.  I might be throwing Luke in the car for an impromptu drive tomorrow.

8. KM EVP Classifications--this article discusses a new type of classification system for EVPs.  As investigators, many of us are familiar with the ABC classifications that center around sound quality.  This system goes in a different direction, by classifying EVPs based on the meaning of the EVP, for example, if it is a voice or other noise, and if it IS a voice, is interactive or passive.  I really like this type of system, because often, the sound quality of EVPs is fiercely debated, lol.  Some people just simply don't hear what others hear, and some times, an EVP is enhanced to the point where it is just not viable as evidence in my opinion. 

9. FATE Magazine--I have always loved FATE Magazine, but like many print publications, they've been feeling a financial crunch in a digital world.  Editions have become smaller, and more cheaply printed...and currently, the new bi-monthly format is several months behind schedule.  I received a subscription for Christmas, and my first issue, dated September/October, just reached me in April.  I admire FATE's commitment to continue catering to the large readership who wants a hard copy, myself included.  However, I'd love to see some fresh readership and some fresh finances being pumped into this publication.  Many of its long-time readers are growing elderly, but that doesn't mean this time honored publication should come to a halt.  Please help support FATE Magazine with a subscription today!

10. Religious Tolerance--This website is not how I remember it, but I guess the basic premise is still there.  Anyway, we often try to leave religion out of the paranormal field, relying less on faith, and more on tangible proof and scientific method.  However, to the chagrin of some, religion and paranormal investigation will always go hand-in-hand.  We work with a multitude of different clientele who come from many different backgrounds.  It is essential to have a working knowledge of how a client's religious beliefs may cause them to perceive the paranormal in order to tailor an investigation or provide assistance that is in that client's best interest.  This site has some good articles on basic tenets of different religions, and sources for more information.  It's a decent starting place, although I'm not entirely sure this is the same site I've used in the past, lol.

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