
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What's New with Theresa's Haunted History

Happy April everyone!  With Spring finally having been sprung, I thought it would be a good idea to share a little about what has been going on with Theresa's Haunted History...and some of what is in store for the upcoming months!

Spring Tours!

This year will be a first for Haunted and Historic Guyandotte Tours, hosted by Huntington Paranormal.  Starting in May, we'll be featuring a series of Full Moon Hauntings tours!  Come join me and the rest of the HPIR tour staff as we regale you of tales about haunted, historic Guyandotte...and the power the full moon has on its inhabitants.  We're also working on a handful of new locations, plus some new, updated information about many of our classic fixtures along the tour route.  Check us out at for more information and tour dates.

Theresa on the Radio!

Last week, I had the opportunity to be interviewed by a guy I used to go to school with.  As part of a class project at State, his group was producing a Supernatural West Virginia segment, and I was fortunate enough to be a part of it!  Doing pre-recorded radio is a LOT harder than I imagined, lol.  I have done a live broadcast for Dr. Grimes' office on Clint and Judy, and a handful of "live" internet radio shows, but this was a first for me.  I quickly discovered that its fairly uncomfortable to just TALK about a subject at length, without the aid of specific, leading questions, lol.  Still, it was a lot of fun.  Supposedly, this broadcast may possibly air on WV Public Radio in the near future, so if it does, I'll definitely link it here so everyone can hear my little spiels on the Capitol Theater, the Dunbar Wine Cellars, and Shawnee Lake Amusement Park.  Oh, and I was able to work in a few plugs for HPIR and Haunted and Historic Guyandotte Tours!

Upcoming Investigations!

HPIR has some really awesome investigations in the works for 2012.  I've already spent numerous hours researching these locations, and will continue to do so.  Without giving away too much information right away, here's a little about some of the locations we'll be at:

In April or May, we'll be heading out of state for a popular local haunt.  This location has some shaky historical information, so the next few weeks I'll be busy trying to gather as much information as I can to either back up or refute the claims we've heard.  Either way, this appears to be a very active location, and we can't wait to experience it for ourselves.

In May, we'll be traveling out of county to investigate a wonderfully historic building.  We'll be only one of four groups allowed in to investigate this location this year, so we're super excited about it!  This is also one of the few cases that I went out and contacted the owners myself.  What I learned is that I have absolutely no desire to be a case manager, lol. 

In June, we'll be hitting a VERY famous location for an overnight investigation.  We're looking forward to this one due to the sheer number of sightings and experiences by so many, its just one of those locations that LOOKS like it should be haunted.

100 Candles!

A couple of weeks ago, members of HPIR came to my house for the first time ever in order to have fun, eat pizza....and play 100 Candles!  The idea came to me as my nephew and I were watching old reruns of Paranormal State.  We were watching the episode where the college girl was plagued with paranormal problems after she and her friends played this centuries old Japanese ghost game.  The description of how to play the game varies, but basically, you light 100 candles.  Each member of the party tells a ghost story that happened to them (or comes from their village, hehe), then blows the candle out.  After all 100 candles are blown out, a ghost or spirit(s) is said to be in the room.

Although this game has occult connontations, we played it for the sheer fun of telling ghost stories, an ancient tradition in and of itself.  My nephew ended up chickening out, afraid that we would actually conjure up something, but he needn't have worried; we didn't make it any where near 100 stories before we got tired and bored.  It didn't help that I used cheap tea-lights, and many burned out on their own before we got to them, lol.  Still, it was a super fun evening of sharing time together as a group.  We learned a little about one another, and why we got interested in this field to begin with.  It was also very theraputic in a way to be able to discuss freely events and feelings that most people just wouldn't understand.

The First Annual Oogity Boogity Awards!

This past weekend, HPIR celebrated its first annual Oogity Boogity Awards!  After an evening of group pictures, monthly meeting business, and hot dogs roasted over a campfire (a first for me), came the awards ceremony...and HPIR did it up right!  We received a certificate, a trophy, and even a flower, presented to us in a tent filled with gold stars and balloons!  I was honored with the coveted Best Investigator in the Tri-State award, one that I could not have accomplished without the support of a great team like HPIR.  I cannot express how lucky I am to have found this group of people.  We may not all have the same opinions on things, but we've become like a family.  HPIR is coming up on its sixth year as a team, and I foresee many more in store for us as well!

Team Toni!

Speaking of the HPIR family, I am so proud that once again, we have pulled together for a great cause.  This evening, members of HPIR were stationed at varying locations between Hurricane and Chesapeake, as Toni Black made her journey back home.  For those who don't know, Toni is a young woman fighting a deadly battle with cancer.  One of HPIR's own, Kelly, has been an instrumental player in Team Toni since the beginning and we're super proud of her!  Today, as Toni returned home from the beach after receiving devastating news from Duke, HPIR joined Kelly in support of the Bring Toni Home event.

I had originally planned on being at the Winfield/Scott Depot exit, but after law enforcement deemed it, and my back-up Hurricane location, as unsafe, I joined a group of others who had been relocated from the Hurricane exit to the Hurricane Rest Stop.  It was so touching to see so many out there supporting Toni, and awareness in general.

And with that, I'm saving my biggest suprise for a later date!  I hope you enjoyed this more personalized blog.  If you didn't, don't despair...look for some interesting new haunted places and original articles coming this month.  Happy Reading!

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