
Monday, February 20, 2012

Book Review for A Ghostly Tour of Harper's Ferry

Aaron, Luke, and I spent a wonderful Saturday afternoon in downtown South Charleston.  While Aaron took Luke down the street to explore the Mound, I perused what was single-handedly the best antique store I've been to in a long time!  This book was just one of the items I picked up on my trip!

Title:  A Ghostly Tour of Harpers Ferry
Author:  Shirley Dougherty
Copyright: 1982 by EIGMID Publishing Company
Purchase from Amazon for $23.95

This slim volume is only 40 pages long, but is PACKED with Harpers Ferry history and its most famous ghost stories.  Each chapter, highlighting a different tale, comes directly from Shirley's popular walking tours, which began in 1977 as a way to showcase the rich haunted history of the small town.  The book is beautifully illustrated by Suzanne Randell.

Although I was familiar with many of the tales and legends discussed in the book, this was still an EXCELLENT addition to my personal library.  It seems as if nearly all known ghostlore of Harpers Ferry comes directly from Shirley's research; her name has literally become synonymous with Harpers Ferry ghostlore.  For those studying West Virginia's haunted history, this book is a must-have.

As an added bonus, I did find a few tales that I was previously unfamiliar with for whatever reason.  Still, there was such a sense of familiarity and nostalgia while reading this book!  Back in high school, I accompanied my best friend and her family on a weekend trip to Harpers Ferry.  We specifically went during Halloween weekend to take advantage of one of the haunted history tours!  Our guide was none other than Shirley herself, and while her frail voice could hardly be heard over the traffic, I had an excellent time.  Reading this book allowed me to revisit a significant moment in my life when I realized that I wanted to grow up to be a tour guide for a haunted history tour!

I was lucky enough to purchase my copy for a mere $5, but Amazon has a copy for $24, if interested!

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