
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Curt Strutz of Paranormal Generation

Curt Strutz isn't a paranormal investigator, or even a ghost hunter.  He's a Paranormal Explorer!  I met Curt at a presentation Monday evening at the Kanawha County library, and it was quite an enjoyable experience!  Curt, star of the TV show Paranormal Generation (which oddly enough, has more investigation than exploring?), has traveled the country, amassing quite the collection of humorous, and sometimes spooky, anecdotes.

Showing slides from various haunted locales and fielding an array of questions and opinions from a diverse audience, Curt was hilarious to listen to, yet also very informative.  While theories were skimmed over, the history and the folklore of various haunted places, from the more famous such as the Villisca Axe Murder House, to the lesser known, such as the Story Inn, were abundant, and always entertaining.

Although Paranormal Generation only shows in 10 states right now, the tri-state area NOT being included, I'd highly recommend checking them out online.  I watched a few episodes Monday night after the presentation, and wasn't disappointed.  The format was a little, um, wasn't super original...but I'll leave it at that.  It was fun, and I'll let you all decide for yourselves.  Also, apparently, if you're in need of a giant fox suit or a kid's fishing comedian, Curt can hook you up with that, too!

Anyway, check out Paranormal Generation HERE!
(Photo of Curt from the Paranormal Generation website...since I forgot my camera)

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