
Friday, March 18, 2011

Wells Inn, Sistersville

The Wells Hotel was opened on January 15, 1895 by Ephraim Wells, the grandson of the founder of Sistersville, Charles Wells.   In 1894, oil was discovered in the area, making Sistersville an oil boom town.  The grand hotel was built to cater to the oil barons and the upper class citizens and travelers.

The mostly prosperous hotel passed through many owners over the years, opening and closing several times.  It was almost shut down in 1994 after a hard winter caused massive damage to the structure.  Luckily, the Boyd family purchased the inn, restored it, and added modern amenities, such as a pool and exercise area.  Walt Boyd, a former owner, is said to look eerily like Mr. Wells. 

The ghost is said to be that of Ephraim Wells himself, whose portrait hangs proudly in the hotel.  The ghost likes to move things around when no one is present, and strange noises are heard at night.  Doors slam on their own and an elevator frequently comes down from the third floor when no one is around.

Room #324 is said to be home to at least one strange incident.  A maid went to clean the room, but found the door stuck shut.  She said the door literally "sucked itself shut" with the exact  same results for all three tries at opening the door.  On the fourth try, it opened normally.

It is also said that the sounds of writing can be heard coming from Mr. Wells' former office on the second floor, and footsteps are heard walking down halls and passageways.

Today, the Wells Inn is under new ownership and its wonderful history is being preserved for another well as offering a wonderful dining and community experience.  Please go visit their Facebook page to keep up-to-date with current events.

Wells Inn FaceBook


  1. The Wells in has a new owner so this should be updated.

  2. Our family stayed there this past summer.. It took us back in time and was a nice little place to stay. Don't expect great luxuries, it is under renovation. Do expect to travel back in time to antiques and beautiful wood work. I don't believe in ghosts, nor do I believe if one would exist it would be a bad spirit. After all the hotel has been there a long time and holds a lot of history. Who knows if the footsteps we heard at 4 a.m. was simply the normal sounds one would hear from an establishment that is over 100 years old. Just maybe it was a ghost that continues to walk the halls of a place long ago they once called home ...

  3. My wife Elizabeth & I (Bogar) were there in 2003. Yes, I am a witness that there is a ghost, actually, I saw two.
    I had a conversation with a girl in an old dress (she was about 8 or 9 years old), she asked me if I had seen her father of grandfather, I don't recall exactly which. After I answered "No" she just left laughing and jumping skipping. Then, about half an hour later, I had a nice conversation with Mr. Ephraim Wells, he was a well spoken and good host, welcoming to his hotel and thanking me for my support, also wishing us a great stay.
    Then,I went to the lobby and talked to the lady, and to my surprise, I saw a Picture frame with the gentleman I just spoke to, and I said to the lady at the front desk "That gentleman is nice, i just talked to him, what is his name? He told me just Mr. Wells", the lady look at me with open eyes and just said "Well, he is dead and you just talked to a ghost as some other have done", I got freak out. I never went along anymore around the hotel.
    Very nice Hotel and people working there. My daughter wants to go there and we also would love to visit it again. But, no walking alone, HAHAHA.
    I didn;t know they were ghosts, unti

    1. My granddaughter said her and her friend walked past one night and heard writing and footsteps as well

  4. Oh, that's incredibly wonderful and thrilling story. Just discovered your awesome post and it was utter surprise that I was searching for oil and gas field and how to implement the digital technology"futureon"with it. Oh, your wells inn Sisterville post came across to me. Couldn't stop me to take a tour and that's my story i am here. I was so so thrilled and excited to trail the end of your ghost story. Again the historic background thrilled me much. The hung portrait, moving things around, strange noise at night, the sucked door seen by the maid- oh all the strange event made my mind filled with fear. I like the way you stated the story. Thanks a lot for sharing.
