
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Greenbottom Cemetery

The Greenbottom Cemetery is located off Rt. 2, outside of LeSage. 

According to reports, the cemetery is home to paranormal activity, including unexplainable cold spots, and dense fog.  Several HPIR training exercises, and an HPIR training video have taken place in the cemetery, but no activity has been witnessed.

 A recent story has come to the attention of the group, involving a group who were at the cemetery one day.  When one member of the group went to her car, the others observed a man approach the vehicle.  When asked who the man was, the girl he approached had claimed not to have seen him.  This incident reminds me of my own somewhat creepy experience several years ago.  My second time meeting the group was for a training/meeting at the cemetery.  I was there a little early, and was parked in the cemetery.  I saw a man come down off the hill toward the parking lot, get in an old vehicle, and drive up the path.  Before driving up the path, the elderly man looked me straight in the eye, staring me down.  When the next member showed up, I asked if they had seen the man or the car, and if that was someone in our group who I hadn't met.  That member did not see the man...or the car...and I never saw it leave the cemetery.

Photo and Transcription  property of Barry Huffstutler


  1. I live down the road and drive through here daily. It is a rather creepy place at night. You feel like you're being watched during day and night!!

    1. That doesn't surprise me. I had my weird experience with the guy in the truck in broad daylight, lol. I still have no idea what that could have been. Anyway, thanks for visiting the website and commenting!
