
Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Uncle Wiley Returns Home: WV Penitentiary Christmas Pardon

The old West Virginia State Penitentiary in Moundsville is one of the most haunted locations in the state, if not the country. I love sharing ghost stories from this imposing and downright creepy building, but sometimes in order to really understand WHY a place is haunted, we have to look deeper at the people who left their mark there. The WV State Penitentiary is not a place where many good things happened. It was filled with death, violence, and the despair of men and women who had lost their freedom, often in exchange for the unspeakable horrors they committed against their fellow man. But, as you'll see from today's blog post, this was HOME to some. For some, it may have been the only real home they'd ever known. 

The following newspaper article comes from the 04 December 1914 edition of the Raleigh Herald. It discusses the life of that year's recipient to the annual Christmas pardon. 

The Christmas Pardon

"Uncle Wiley" Lewis to Return to Home and Friends

Tottering with age, gray and bent, Wiley Lewis, who is known as convict No. 3257 in the state penitentiary, and who was sent from Charleston in 1897 for slaying another negro in a drunken brawl will receive the annual Christmas pardon from the penal institution. It has long been the custom to pardon from the penitentiary the oldest convict in point of servitude at Christmas time every year, and the old Charleston darkey is the one selected this time.

So attached has Uncle Wiley become to many of the officials of the penitentiary and so accustomed to prison life, that he considers listlessly his approaching pardon and at times seems even fearful of leaving the grim old structure.

Lewis is probably the most picturesque convict ever confined in the institution. He was born a slave in Fayette County, which at that time was a portion of Virginia. As nearly as Wiley can remember, though he doesn't pretend that is memory on the subject is perfect, he was born some time in 1846. He does remember, though, that he was named by a man named Jim Montgomery at the time the war broke out. Wiley took no part in the war, but wandered about from place to place during the war and settled in Kanawha County on a farm and moved into Charleston where he became a laborer. 

Lewis was tried, found guilty of murder and sentenced to serve a life term in the state penitentiary on July 15, 1897. Two days later he entered the institution and has been there ever since. 

Every phase of prison life has been experienced by the old negro slave. He has worked in every department of the penitentiary, in every shop and done everything else but operate the telephone exchange. He has been a model prisoner during his entire confinement and is trusted by all who know him. Several years after his arrival at the penitentiary he was given the name "Uncle," and has been "Uncle" to the officials and the convicts alike ever since. 

Although Lewis knows that he is the oldest man in the institution in point of service and that he is to receive the Christmas pardon unless something unforeseen develops he does not seem at all enthusiastic. He admits he is glad, but does not show it in his actions. As the time draws closer, he seems to be melancholy rather than joyous at times, according to officials of the pen, as though he is fearful of leaving the old institution.  

When received at the penitentiary Lewis could neither read nor write, but has mastered both arts and executes both as well as the average of his race. Although gray and somewhat feeble, his health is good and he may live for many years in freedom.

His wife died about three years ago, but he has one daughter still living in Charleston, with whom he intends to make his home after his pardon. Two sisters, both younger than himself, are also still living in Kanawha County. 

*Last year, I blogged about the 1910 Christmas pardon of Joe Battle, a man who swears he was innocent, and unlike Lewis, was more than happy to get the heck out of the penitentiary!*

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Spreading Spooky Cheer!

This is the season of giving. Christmas is right around the corner, and yesterday was #GivingTuesday, a day for you to donate to your favorite charities and nonprofit organizations. This year, I'm even lower on cash and energy than usual, but I still wanted to do something to give back. I might not have much money or time to donate...but what I do have is books!

Valley Park

I've actually been toying with this idea for a couple of months. I LOVE to collect paranormal nonfiction, and over the years, I've amassed a pretty huge library. I love scouring thrift stores, yard sales, and second-hand bookstores for great deals on used books...and of course, most of my family and friends know that if they're going to buy me a present, they can never go wrong with a ghost book!

But, occasionally I'll find myself with duplicates. Sometimes I'll be gifted a book I already own. Other times, I'll buy myself a book, not realizing that I already have it on my shelf. And, occasionally, I'll purposefully buy books I know I own if I find them cheap enough! For less than a dollar a book, it doesn't matter whether I own it or not...if it's paranormal nonfiction, it's coming home with me! 

Sherwood Circle

I enjoy having a few extra copies of books lying around so I can share them with friends, family, and even clients. But, sometimes I amass a few too many, and it's time to purge. So, today I gathered up my extra copies and decided to hit some area Little Free Libraries! If you're unfamiliar with the concept of Little Free Libraries, click on the link for more info. In short, these are awesome little structures that pop up in neighborhoods, parks, churches, and all sorts of other places. The idea is to 'give a book, take a book.' It's completely FREE, and you're more than welcome to help yourself with no obligation. When you're done reading, you may keep the book, return it to the Little Free Library, pass it on, or donate another in its place.  There are several in the Hurricane area, but the link has a map of all the registered libraries in YOUR area. Definitely check it out.

Anyway, I also threw in some shameless self-promotion and stuck a business card into each book. I figured that anyone who would be interested in the subject matter of the donated books would probably be interested in checking out Spectral Research and Investigation's website! It was a fun little outing, and I hope it inspires you to give what you can this holiday season, even if its something as simple as a battered old paperback about ancient aliens! Stay spooky my friends. 

Sable Point Apartments

Friday, November 5, 2021

Fashion with the Flatwoods Monster: A Friday Funny!

 Happy Friday from the Flatwoods Monster! I think that anyone who wears dresses can absolutely relate to this. I know I can, lol. Anyway, this adorable image is from the Cryptid Club. Follow their work on Facebook for more cartoons about Mothman, ghosts, the Flatwoods Monster, and all the spooky, fun creatures that either visit or call this planet home. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Southside Bridge Hanging Man

Photo by Michelle Krone--Source

It's been a loooong time since I did a Weird West Virginia Wednesday, but thanks to this past Saturday's ghost tour/hunt with the Charleston Ghost Tour Company, I was inspired to bring it back! Way back in 2012, I was introduced to a very strange piece of Charleston's public art. I was taking a Historic Preservation class through WVSU, which met at the haunted Capitol Theater and was taught by Dr. Billy Joe Peyton. One class meeting involved taking a historic walking tour throughout downtown Charleston, and as we were talking about the Southside Bridge, it was pointed out to us that there was a creepy little addition to the building beside the bridge: The Southside Bridge Hanging Man!

The building in question, One Bridge Place, was originally built in the 1890's and served as the warehouse for the Lewis, Hubbard, and Company Wholesale Grocery. Today, the building is home to various offices, but has also become an integral part of Charleston's art community. Back in the early 1980's, the building went through renovations, which involved the painting of a large mural on the south side of the building, facing the bridge.

Can you see him up top?

Known locally as the 'San Francisco Mural,' the side of One Bridge Place resembles a row of colorful Victorian houses. The work is by artist Bart Davies, a graduate of Penn State's Fine Arts program. The project, which employs the use of trompel'oeil (to trick or deceive the eye) was started in 1983 and took about two years to complete.  

You have to look closely, but if you do, you can see that some of the windows are painted on and some are actual, functional windows. And if you look REALLY closely, you'll see that one of the faux windows holds a rather dark and macabre surprise. At the very top left, you can see what appears to be the shadowy figure of a person in the window. Look a little closer, and you'll see that there is a rope or noose coming from this figure's neck. As of this date, no one has publicly come out with a reason as to why such a creepy image was added to this otherwise bright and cheery mural. Of course, plenty of conspiracy theories abound. At the very least, the Southside Bridge Hanging Man is right up there with Mortar Man as a well-loved (albeit strange and kinda dark) piece of hidden public art, which has found a home in West Virginia's capital city! 

Close-up of the Hanging Man

Monday, November 1, 2021

Halloween with the Charleston Ghost Tour Company!

The last month or so has been super busy! Between my personal life and SRI/Theresa's Haunted History commitments, I've been booked solid. Because of my crazy schedule and overall exhaustion, I was afraid that I would miss out on the Charleston Ghost Tour Company's October schedule. But, as they tend to do, the pieces fell into place, and I was able to grab a pretty last-minute ticket to Saturday night's Midnight Mischief Halloween tour/ghost hunt. 

When my husband and I took the tour in September, we had an awesome time, walking around downtown Charleston and hearing the wonderfully told stories of the city's haunted history. Unfortunately, my husband had to work this weekend, but I still had a ton of fun as April, owner of the Charleston Ghost Tour Company, shook things up a bit with this special Halloween edition. Instead of just hearing about the ghosts of Charleston, tour guests were given the opportunity to actually try to interact with them and capture proof of their existence!

Our ghost tour/investigation began at 11:30pm at the United Bank Courtyard, where we checked in, and were given glow sticks and a choice of light-up crown or light up sunglasses. That was a fun little surprise and definitely put everyone in the mood for some Halloween party fun. The big surprise, however, was that April had gone all out and purchased a ton of ghost hunting equipment to use on the tour. 

Brawley Walkway. Tour guests have captured alleged photos 
of a ghost in this doorway! This is also where we contacted the spirit
of 'Darren.'

Before we headed out, the tour group got a quick tutorial on the use of pendulums, dowsing rods, laser grids, EMF meters, spirit boxes, digital recorders for EVP work, and even a FLIR-type thermal camera! Equipment was divided up, and we headed to our first location---Brawley Walkway. 

Brawley Walkway is reported to be haunted by a mischief-causing ghost that at one point, terrorized a homeless man who would sleep in the area, mainly by stealing his possessions and moving them to a different location. On previous tours, patrons had reported finding strange anomalies in their photos, especially in the doorway of one particular storefront. 

As the group spread out to test their equipment and see if they could capture evidence of ghosts, I headed straight for the doorway in question. Joined by two other tours guests, one with a K-2 meter, I attempted to make contact with whatever may be in Brawley through pendulum work. According to the pendulum, we made contact with a homeless man named Darren, who originally didn't want to share his name, but agreed to if I asked nicely, lol. It's important to note that it was cold...and my hands were shaky as a result. But, even if it hadn't been cold, it's important to remember that this type of pendulum work is heavily influenced by the ideomotor effect---tiny, involuntary muscle movements that make it SEEM like the pendulum is moving on its own, but in reality, it's not. Eventually, I wandered away from the doorway, leaving the two other tour guests there to see if they could continue talking with Darren. When I met up with them later, they said that Darren had left, been replaced by a not-so-nice entity, who then left when Darren returned. Darren also lit up the K-2 meter---something he wouldn't do when I asked him to earlier, lol.

Our next location was a double stop---we explored the area of the 1921 capitol building fire, which sits directly across from the old Oddfellows building, both of which are said to be haunted. The Oddfellows building is a favorite spot on the tours, and many tour patrons have submitted photos taken of the building which seem to have human figures or shadow beings in the windows, especially one in particular. This is fairly significant, because the story that is told about the building is that a large, shadowy, humanoid figure actually attacked an unsuspecting cleaning woman one evening! And, of further interest is that when I posted the photos I took to Theresa's Haunted History Facebook page on Sunday, I had someone say they saw something in that exact window! 

Oddfellows Building. Do you see anything?

Despite that particular building's potential, I focused the majority of my time spent in that location trying to contact the ghosts associated with the capitol building fire. It is believed the fire that brought down West Virginia's fourth capitol and killed two people was the result of a poker game gone bad. When an argument erupted and a lantern was knocked over, the night watchmen who was responsible for this secret attic activity felt so bad that he is said to come back to the spot, trying to save the two people who were lost because of him. I chose to do some EVP work, but upon analyzing the recording, haven't found anything of note. 

Further stops on the tour didn't afford much opportunity for ghost hunting, but it was fun to rehash some of the tales we heard on the first tour, such as the mysterious Mortar Man figure, the ghosts of the Capitol Theater, and the firemen still trying to put out the fire at the old Woolworth Building. I was pleasantly surprised to also hear about the ghost that likes to play with the vintage elevator in the old Masonic Lodge building, as well as the 'Southside Bridge hanged man.' I've been meaning to blog about the strange addition to the mural, seen from the Southside Bridge that has a hidden figure of a man hanging himself, since I first learned about it back in 2012, but never had an opportunity to stop and get a photo! looking for that in the near future. 

Anyway, it was well past 1am when we finally wrapped up the tour with one last tale--the strange disappearance of a colony of settlers along the Kanawha River. I was worn out, a little damp from the misty rain that never quite completely cleared up that night, but thrilled to have rang in the Halloween holiday sharing the spooky history of West Virginia's capital city with other ghost enthusiasts. 

Do you see the hanging shadow man? 
More info coming soon!

Obviously, ghost hunting outside in downtown Charleston, especially on the Saturday before Halloween, isn't exactly an ideal set-up for legitimate evidence, but that's not really the point. I had an awesome time hearing the stories of each haunted location and seeing the excitement of other tour guests when they seemingly 'got a hit' on a piece of equipment! It was a really cool introduction to various tools of paranormal investigation and a really fun way for those who don't do this kind of thing regularly to get a taste of what it's like and some hands-on experience in a fun and laid-back setting. I can't say enough good things about this tour and I'm so happy that Charleston has such a fun, spooky activity available. After this weekend, I'm even MORE excited for the November tour route, which will feature haunted locations in Charleston's East End. 

For more information on upcoming tours and events:

Charleston Ghost Tour Company Website

Charleston Ghost Tour Company Facebook page

Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Nurse Who Never Clocked Out (Old Hospital on College Hill)

After a successful and exciting investigation of The Old Hospital on College Hill this past summer, the SRI team is ready to head back for a follow-up! On Thursday, October 14th, we'll once again be making the trip to Williamson, WV to explore and document the haunted history of the old Williamson Memorial Hospital. 

One of the most popular stories from the Old Hospital on College Hill is the tale of the nurse who never clocked out. As the story goes, sometime during the 1950's, or possibly into the 1960's, one of Williamson Memorial's very own nurses was involved in a car crash on her way to work.  She was taken to the hospital's Emergency Department, where she passed away from her injuries.  Ever since then, she has been seen in various parts of the hospital grounds by both staff and patients alike.

Back when the hospital was still in operation, a woman had come to Williamson Memorial at the start of her labor.  She was presumably admitted to the second floor obstetrics unit, where she patiently awaited the birth of her child.  She claims that a nurse came into her room and told her that her baby would not be born that day, and that she should head home to wait until labor progressed further. On her way out, she was stopped by a different nurse, who alarmed, asked her where she was going.  The woman stated that the other nurse had told her to go home.  Flabbergasted, the 'real' nurse told her that she was the only nurse on the floor that day, and not, she would NOT be going home until the after the baby was born!

During some renovations to the hospital, a construction worker reported seeing the apparition of a nurse on the fourth floor. He was so spooked by the image that he refused to return to work.

The phantom nurse has also been seen in the basement. Here, she is seen FLOATING, mainly back and forth in the area between the two X-Ray rooms. Interestingly to note, the basement was the original location of the emergency department. 

But, perhaps one of the most interesting pieces of evidence for the existence of a ghostly nurse is a set of two photos. The photos were taken on Halloween night of 2018 by a tour patron named Sheena Daniels.  After her tour had ended, she had taken the two back-to-back photos on the 'overlook' between the hospital and the nurse's college. One picture came out normal, but the other clearly shows what appears to be the image of a nurse in an older uniform.

The Old Nurse's College

I've searched diligently for any historical documentation of a nurse passing away in a car crash. I looked through tons of death certificates from the WV Vital Statistics website, and tried multiple search terms on  While an absence of evidence doesn't necessarily mean the story isn't true, as of yet I haven't been able to find any historical documentation to give us an idea of who this phantom nurse may be. I did find something close, however...

On November 12, 1957, Mrs. Anna Hensley had just dropped her daughter (Mrs. Alice Davis) off at work at the Miners' Memorial Center in South Williamson, KY, where Mrs. Davis worked as a nurse.  Mrs. Hensley was returning home to Chattaroy with her young grandson, Barry Neal Davis (Alice's son). As she was driving along Turkey Creek Road, her car skidded off the highway and plunged 200 feet end over end into the waters of the Tug River.  Both Mrs. Hensley and Barry were thrown from the car.  Barry had been thrown quite a distance into the river. Mrs. Hensley had been thrown from the car much closer to the bank.  Gravely injured and clinging to her overturned vehicle, she was desperately trying to get to young Barry. 

Luckily, a Good Samaritan had witnessed the accident.  Orange Adkins, described as a small man in his 60's, was driving his truck west on Turkey Creek Road when he saw the car skid off the road.  Adkins stopped his truck, ran down the embankment, and plunged into the cold river.  He got Barry ashore first, and then went back and pulled Mrs. Hensley to safety.

Mrs. Hensley was actually a nurse employed at Williamson Memorial at the time, and that is the hospital she and Barry were taken to for treatment.  Barry was treated for exposure and released.  Mrs. Hensley, however, had suffered a fractured pelvis and other major injuries.

Admittedly, I was super excited when I found the newspaper article outlining this accident.  I assumed that if Mrs. Hensley was so badly injured, there's a good chance that she had passed from those injuries. The timeline fit the ghost story as well. Fortunately for Mrs. Hensley, though, that wasn't the case. The 48 year old nurse recovered from her injuries and lived to the ripe ol' age of 96, passing away in 2005. 

The Courier-Journal, 13 November 1957

I'm interested in finding out where the story of the nurse who died in a car accident originated from, and if any other researchers have found documentation showing who this dedicated employee may be. Whether or not the back story of a nurse dying in a car crash is true doesn't necessarily matter, however.  Over the hospital's 60+ years of operation, I'm sure many nurses have been employed there and passed away from various causes, at various times, and in various places, including their own ER. Nursing is one of those professions that requires a great deal of dedication and it would be totally believable for someone who spent so much of their life helping others to want to continue doing so after death. I'll be continuing my search to give an identity to this oft-seen ghost of Williamson Memorial---The Old Hospital on College Hill. 

Want MORE ghost stories from The Old Hospital on College Hill? Check out my blog post about Mose Blackburn! Also, check out Brian's blog post about SRI's Old Hospital on College Hill investigation

The Old Hospital on College Hill Facebook

The Old Hospital on College Hill Website

Thursday, October 7, 2021

The Ovinnik of The Deep End Antiques


On October 2, 2021, members of Spectral Research and Investigation traveled to Beckley, West Virginia for what we assumed would be a rather routine investigation of a local antique store, The Deep End Antiques. The store, filled with military memorabilia, crystals, and various objects obtained from police auctions, is located directly over the filled-in former swimming pool for Honey in the Rock Motel. So, we know we were possibly dealing with activity associated with the location itself, which has a long history of violence and tragedy dating back even before the motel was built in the early 1960's, but also perhaps with some of the items housed within the store. 

What we weren't prepared for was dealing with a location that absolutely embodied the idea of liminal space. The whole property, which encompassed way more than just the store itself, seemed trapped in a really weird, in-between worlds type of space, and seemed to have a really weird effect on our members. Located at a major crossroads, we were within half a mile of mine disasters, Civil War activity, fatal car crashes, claims of Satanic worship, and lots and lots of overdoses, assaults, and accidental deaths, and even murders. Throughout the evening, it was hard to distinguish just who or WHAT may have been trying to communicate with us, and at one point, it seemed as if we were dealing with something that was almost indescribable. Whether or not this was what some would classify as an elemental or as an ancient being older than we could ever comprehend, or if it was an observable concentration of just all the evil and sadness of the area that manifested itself, we might never know. Over the next few weeks, as our evidence review is completed and I've had time to really gather my thoughts, I'll be posting more about the history of this location, the reported hauntings, and of course, SRI's experiences. But first, I wanted to share a brief (and happy) experience with a rather unique little being that inhabits the store. 

Travis Aurednik, co-owner of the shop, was kind enough to share with us his family history. He attributes his Slavic roots and ancestral belief system to his increased ability to attract and experience paranormal activity. Brian and I sat down with Travis before the investigation and conducted a rather lengthy pre-investigation interview about the activity in the shop and the history of the location. What didn't come up was that the shop was home to a little creature---one not associated with the property itself or even with any of the antique items.  Rather, this little creature was attached to Travis himself and ties in with his Slavic ancestry!


I had just come into the main building of the shop after spending some time in one of the old motel rooms, which was currently being used as storage, when one of our members pulled me aside and told me I had to check out this area of the shop because he and several other members had seen this little black creature! While some of the members had been in this particular area, a small black being was seen in the reflection of a mirror, peering over the shoulder of one of our guys. The investigator who saw the creature then saw it jump off a shelf, and described it almost like a small monkey.

But this wasn't a monkey.  It was an Ovinnik! 

Different sources all say something a little different about the Ovinnik, but the basic idea is that it is a Slavic cat spirit (or demon) with either green glowing or fiery red eyes, and a bark like a dog. These creatures would take up residence in a family's barn (called an ovin) and if they weren't appeased with gifts of food, such as roosters and blini (a Russian pancake/crepe) would either eat all the stored grain, or even burn down the barn/granary! 

Mythology doesn't paint the most flattering picture of the Ovinnik, but luckily the Ovinnik inhabiting The Deep End Antiques doesn't seem to display the same malevolence. This little cat spirit is more of a protective, familial spirit that has been with Travis his entire life, and I believe now protects both him and the shop. So of course, I wanted to see it for myself!

I sat alone in the room where the initial sightings had taken place, but unfortunately, didn't have a sighting. I THOUGHT, as I sat on a vintage couch, that I felt the very light 'pounce' of a cat jumping on the back behind me, but I couldn't swear by it. A little later, I thought I may have seen the shadow of what looked like a black cat (or monkey) curled up atop a clothes rack, but again, I couldn't swear by it. Finally, I just asked aloud for permission to see it. About that time, Travis came back and asked me if I had seen it yet. When I answered that I wasn't sure, he confidently stated that if I wanted to see it, it was in the office area. We went back there, and again, I couldn't swear by it, but holy cow! There was a storage tote with various items piled in it, and peeking out of the corner, it looked exactly like a little black cat with green eyes peering out. I could make out the eyes, which at one point BLINKED, the ears, and what looked like little white teeth. 

You know how people always ask UFO or Bigfoot witnesses why they didn't take a picture of what they saw? I now know the feeling. Travis asked me why I didn't take a picture of it, but that thought honestly didn't even cross my mind. My mind was too occupied with trying to make sense out of what I was seeing to even consider photographing it. My logical, scientific side is still at war with the side of me that really wants to have been lucky enough to be granted a glimpse of the Ovinnik. 


My sighting wasn't the end of our Ovinnik encounter that night. Later on, Brian and I were talking in the area of the sightings, when we heard a disembodied 'voice' mimic a sound he had just made. We can't be sure, but Travis tends to believe that it was the Ovinnik, who is known to be able to mimic other animals. Not long after, we were getting some really weird spirit box communications that sounded like the other entities present were intimidated by the Ovinnik, which makes sense if you look at it as a protective spirit. These communications even went as far as asking us to give an offering of salt to the Ovinnik, which we did. Right after the salt was put in the corner where the creature was seen several times, we heard the cutest little squeak of delight. I'm not sure how appropriate it is to describe a cat 'demon' as cute, but it was a pretty adorable sound. 

I do feel blessed that the Ovinnik (maybe?) chose to let me view it, and apparently it's good luck! I feel an affinity for this little creature, possibly because I have my own living black cat, but before she came into my life, I've always had this weird connection with black cats. All my life, I have seen a shadowy cat that seems to follow me, showing up more often in times of personal hardship and depression. Hopefully the fact that several of our team members saw the Ovinnik and we had a positive experience with it overall means good luck for Spectral Research and Investigation! 

We are definitely going back to The Deep End Antiques in the near future and if you're in the Beckley area, I highly recommend making a stop at this unique location. Browse the selection of antique and vintage goodies (including lots of Blenko glass!) and keep your eyes open. You might just witness a ghost, but if you're REALLY lucky, you might just witness a little black cat spirit. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Witch of Wildwood

Witch of Wildwood
Photo by Robin Smith, Find-a-Grave

October 30th. The evening before All Hallow's Eve. Devil's Night. 

What would be a more fitting date to burn a witch alive? As one West Virginia urban legend states, that's exactly what happened to a witch named Kazimir Kiskis. She was burned alive, presumably for her association with witchcraft, and was buried nearby at Beckley's Wildwood Cemetery. The grave faces in the opposite direction, so that the witch doesn't have to spend eternity watching all the 'good Christians,' and they don't have to await the Resurrection looking at her.  Her spirit returns every Halloween eve to haunt the place where she was buried. For years, locals have been freaked out by the upside cross, covered in strange symbols, that marks the witch's final resting place.

As ya'll know, I love taking a peek behind the curtain of West Virginia's spookiest legends, and over the years, have found that even the most outlandish of tales often are rooted in a tiny grain of truth. Here's some truth about Kazimir Kiskis:

Kazimir Kiskis was born in Lithuania, but of Russian descent. HE was a coal miner who immigrated to the United States in 1907 and was living and working at the Lanark Coal Camp, located just a few miles from Beckley. On October 25, 1924, Kazimir Kiskis (known by his anglicized name of 'Charlie') was involved in a terrible house fire and received burns over his entire body. He lasted five long, agonizing days, before succumbing to his burns. He passed away on October 30, 1924. He was 38 years old. 

Death Certificate for Kazimir 'Charlie' Kiskis
WV Archives

Along with his strange, eastern European language and customs, 'Charlie' brought with him his religion. Charlie was a Catholic, and like many from his mother country, was probably Eastern Orthodox. Now, there are plenty of Christian sects TODAY that equate Catholicism with witchcraft, and back in the 1920's in southern West Virginia, things probably weren't much more...enlightened. Anyone who was seen as different generally was considered someone to be feared or to be ridiculed. 

Nevertheless, Charlie had a rather impressive tombstone erected in his honor, and hopefully, his funeral and burial were held in accordance with his beliefs. The tombstone actually featured a normal cross and obviously wasn't covered with symbols of witchcraft. Rather, the symbols and writing are probably a combination of Catholic symbolism and an epitaph written in Charlie's native language, Lettish. 

It's possible that the vandalism of Charlie's tombstone started early because of his Eastern Orthodox religion. However, I think its probably more likely that the tombstone MAY have originally broke from natural causes, and since then, vandals, wishing to add fuel and validity to the urban legend of a witch being buried in Wildwood, continue to deface the stone, turning a regular cross into an upside down one. And from there, the legend grew. 

This location is featured on Haunted Beckley's Wildwood Cemetery Tours, where the correct information behind the stone and the person buried beneath it are shared, finally giving Charlie the respect he deserves. I know it's fun to think about creepy legends, visit these locations for ourselves, and share the stories. But, just keep in mind that behind these urban legends are real people. 

Stay spooky my friends! 

Historical Information for this blog came mostly from the Find-a-Grave page for Kazimir Konstanti 'Charlie' Kiskis

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Theresa's Travels: Tour Time with the Charleston Ghost Tour Company

Tour Guide and Owner
of Charleston Ghost Tour Company
April Morgan

Okay, so I didn't travel far---just about 25 minutes away---but, my plans for Thursday evening included taking a haunted history walking tour of Charleston, WV!  Yup, you read that right---Charleston, WV has finally gotten it's own ghost tour, which I think will soon become not only a fun, hip way for locals to spend the evening, but also serve as a great destination activity for those outside the Kanawha Valley. 

Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend the inaugural weekend of the Charleston Ghost Tour Company tours, but I was able to attend during its second week in operation. On the way there, the skies opened up and dumped a ton of rain on the Charleston area. I was terrified we'd have to reschedule, but the weather cleared up and it turned out to be a beautiful night. 

My husband and I had signed up for the 8:30pm to 9:45pm tour, which the second and last time slot of the evening. The sun had already disappeared as we met our guide and fellow tour patrons at the United Bank Building's courtyard. Our guide, April Morgan, is a local history buff and paranormal enthusiast. She owns and operates the Charleston Ghost Tour Company along with her husband, who was there to assist. He did a great job, but you could tell that this is April's baby! 

Brawley Walkway

We started off with a quick overview of Charleston's history, including its pre-history as a Native American hunting ground. Back before the United States was...well, the United States, Thomas Bullit, on the direction of Lord Dunmore, met with the Shawnee leader, Chief Black Fish, to ask permission for Europeans to settle in the area now known as West Virginia. Black Fish denied the request, saying the land was not his to give. Rather, it belonged to a mysterious race of Moon Eyed People, known as the Azgen tribe, who had been wiped out by other tribes. He said the spirits of these people haunted the hills and terrified the Shawnee people more now than they did when they were alive. He also mentioned that if anyone tried to settle their lands, the Azgen would not kill them. Instead, they would turn brother against brother, and son against son. 

Whether or not the darker side of Charleston's history and its hauntings are directly related to this Azgen curse, it was certainly a spooky way to start off the tour! And, the spookiness continued as we took a stroll around the city. We learned about the ghosts occupying the old Capitol Plaza Theater and the Mortar Man hiding on Capitol Street. We heard a terrifying tale of a shadow being in the Oddfellows Building, and of a ghost who liked to steal from a homeless man in Brawley Walkway. We made a stop at the site of West Virginia's former capitol building which burned down in 1921 and heard some amusing stories about the ghost of the man responsible for the fire. The Woolworth Building was another stop. This was the site of a horrific fire in 1949 that took the lives of 7 firemen. Many believe those firemen are still wandering the halls. 

Kanawha River, across from the Sunrise Carriage Trail

Our evening concluded down by the river, across from the Sunrise Carriage Trail, as we listened to the stories of the two Confederate women who were executed and buried along the trail, along with the tragic story of Governor MacCorkle's daughter, who died in a car accident and had quite the spooky memorial set up along the trail in her honor. 

I absolutely loved this glimpse into the spooky side of Charleston's history! I learned a couple of different ghost stories that I wasn't familiar with, and even the ones I already knew were told with such passion and skilled storytelling, that I was thoroughly enthralled all evening. April did a wonderful job, and she and her husband were a delight to talk to on the way back to our vehicles. It turns out that we have a lot more in common than just our love for haunted history! I know I'll definitely be a regular visitor, and I hope you'll come out for a tour as well! Even just a few weeks into their first tour season, Charleston Ghost Tour Company is already helping out the community by working with various groups and causes (such as Poca Middle School Cheerleading and the Kanawha-Charleston Humane Society). With such commitment to charity and such a commitment to bringing a fun, educational, and SPOOKY activity to this area, I really see the Charleston Ghost Tour Company growing and thriving. And I can say I was here from the (almost) beginning, lol!

Know Before You Go

*Ghost Tours are held Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings at 7pm and again at 8:30pm. 

*These are walking tours, but they are handicap accessible. It's an easy enough pace that my jacked-up back didn't have any problems. Tours last about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes and the trip length is around 12 blocks.

*September tours are currently meeting at the United Bank Building courtyard. We had no problem finding street parking on Thursday evening, but there are several options, including area parking garages. Please see the website's FAQ section for suggestions. 

*Tickets can be reserved on the Charleston Ghost Tour Company website, through EventBrite. You can pay through PayPal, or pay in person when you arrive with cash/check/card. Again, see website's FAQ section for more info!

*Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for kids 6-12 years old, and free for kids 5 and under

*Each month the tours will be different! October will bring some different locations and different stories!

*Private and corporate tours are available.

Contact Information

Call or text: (304) 610-4439


Website: Charleston Ghost Tour Company



Saturday, September 18, 2021

Mothman Memorialized: Bob Roach's Mothman Statue

My son Luke peeking from behind the Mothman

With the pandemic still not under control, Mothman fans around the world, especially those close to the tri-state, were devastated to learn that for the second straight year, the annual Mothman Festival would be a no-go. But, many paranormal explorers (especially those who had already booked and couldn't get a refund on their hotel accommodations) have made a pledge to still ascend on the normally sleepy lil' town of Pt. Pleasant, WV to fill their weekend with their own Mothman fun!

Festival season or not, one of the must-do activities for any monster fan coming to Pt. Pleasant, is to get a picture taken with the iconic, 12-foot steel Mothman Statue, proudly watching over the downtown area from Gunn Park! Mothman, with his MMA fighter-style braids, his hairy chest, his football-sized glowing red eyes, and his um...well-formed muscular buttocks (recently dubbed the shiny hiney) is one of the coolest pieces of public art you'll find anywhere in the world. But what's the story behind this popular tourist attraction?

Luke and the Shiny Hiney

Way back in 2002, a little movie called the Mothman Prophecies, starring Richard Gere was released in theaters. The movie was a VERY loose retelling of the Mothman sightings in Pt. Pleasant, going from the initial sighting by the Scarberry/Malletts, to the collapse of the Silver Bridge 13 months later. It's based on Fortean researcher, John Keel's, pivotal book, The Mothman Prophecies. 

As tourists slowly started seeping into to town, wanting to know more about the true events which inspired the movie, local businesspersons, Jeff Wamsley and Carolin Harris, organized the first ever Mothman Festival, which has grown in recent years to an estimated 15 to 20 THOUSAND visitors flooding the town. And, the statue is always one of the first things they want to see!

The same year the festival began, Charles Humphreys, a Mason County native, was serving as executive director of Main Street, Point Pleasant, an organization that was working to revitalize the downtown area. Seeing the potential that this Mothman stuff could bring in, he went to go see a friend of his named Bob Roach. 

Bob Roach

Bob Roach was a retired welder and former member of the US Navy. After retiring from Mountaineer Power Plant in 1995, where he worked as a welding supervisor, Bob returned to his childhood passion for art. His obituary states that he would carve figures out of the Ivory soap his parents brought home, and that he could draw so well, that his teacher once asked him to draw a beautiful Christmas themed sketch for the classroom one year. These days, however, Bob had moved on from soap and was skilled in creating sculptures from metal.

At first, Bob was hesitant to take on a statue of the local legend, but after thinking it over, called Charles back and said he'd do it. The two went around town, interviewing witnesses about the creature's appearance, and after about a year of research, sketches, and long nights working in his garage, Bob had completed the Mothman Statue.

As stated previously, the statue is a 12 foot stainless steel creation, sitting atop a pedestal. The pedestal bears a short summary of the 1966-67 Mothman flap, written by Charles Humphreys and Jeff Wamsley. It was unveiled  on September 13th, during the 2003 Mothman Festival,under the watchful eye of Mr. John Keel himself, who sported a spiffy white suit to the unveiling. That suit is now on display at the Mothman Museum, located just beside the statue. 

Bob and Charles unveil the Mothman Statue
September 13, 2003

There wasn't a HUGE crowd at this unveiling, but you could see the pride in Bob's eyes as he probably realized that Charles' promise to him that this statue would make him known the world over, was true. 

But, as much as we in the paranormal community LOVE the Mothman statue, it isn't Bob's only contribution to the art and history of Pt. Pleasant and surrounding areas. In addition to his statues gracing the grounds of a local church, a local fire station, and a local high school, Bob is credited with a series of historical figures that can also be seen during the Mothman Festival, lining the riverfront.  Chief Cornstalk, Mad Anne Bailey, Lord Dunmore, Daniel Boone, and Colonel Lewis stand along the flood wall, overlooking the Ohio River as it nears its confluence with the Kanawha. 

For years, Bob could be found at the festival each year, talking with fans about his world-famous statue and selling miniature versions that you could take home! Unfortunately, Bob passed away at the age of 81 on August 30th, 2015. He might be physically gone from this world, but his legacy will always live on through a 12 foot tall, big-assed, red eyed, winged tribute one of West Virginia's most well-known mysterious creatures. 

Mini Mothman Statue
Do YOU own one?

Can't make it to Pt. Pleasant this year? You can keep tabs on the Mothman Statue with the 24 Hour Live MOTHCAM

Additional Sources:

Roadside America: Mothman Statue

My WV Home: Mothman Lives!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Fundraising for Spectral Research and Investigation!

Hey everyone! If you didn't already know, in addition to writing Theresa's Haunted History of the Tri-State blog and maintaining Theresa's Haunted History social media outlets, I'm also a paranormal investigator! For the past year, I have been helping Spectral Research and Investigation, based in Huntington, WV, get off the ground. 

As you can imagine, paranormal research and investigation can get EXPENSIVE, especially for a new team just starting out. There are so many costs associated with the work we do that it can be a real financial burden for the average person. We have a great group of individuals working their asses off to help SRI bring scientific legitimization to the field of paranormal research, assist clients with a variety of resources, and of course, provide YOU with lots of educational and entertaining content! 

We don't want anyone interested in paranormal investigation to feel as if they can't afford to participate, and we don't want to put a strain on our members who are working, volunteering in their communities, studying, and raising families on top of their work in this field. But, we need your help in order to do this.  That's why we decided to kick off our fundraising efforts with a GoFundMe! Our founder, Brian Clary, does a wonderful job explaining why we've chosen to start with this route, so please stop by the link and read more about it. By no means should you feel obligated to donate, but if you've got a few extra bucks to throw our way, we'd greatly appreciate it! We're asking for a modest $500, which will go a long way towards things such as:

*Purchasing new and updated equipment, especially a good camera set-up and materials to build our own equipment (example, REM Pods)

*Helping ALL our members with the admission costs of pay-to-play locations

*Sharing our investigations and findings through live streaming, YouTube videos, etc. 

*Covering travel costs so we can reach a larger number of clients in need

*Promotional materials, such as business cards, flyers, t-shirts and vendor fees at festivals/fairs

*Assisting clients with practical and educational resources such as overnight accommodations, house inspections, carbon monoxide detectors, books, etc. 

Other Ways You Can Help

Like most groups, SRI covers the vast majority of costs out of members' own pockets, but if you enjoy our content and want to see more, please consider giving us a hand! We'd love for you to donate to our cause, but if you can't, we totally understand. And, if you'd like to help in other ways, here are some ideas:

*Like, comment, and more importantly SHARE SRI's content on social media!

*If you see us out and about at different festivals/events this year, stop by and say hi! Also, feel free to make a purchase of one our spooky, ghostly craft items!

*Let us know if you have gently used equipment/materials/books to donate or to sell, if you make equipment yourself, or if you have any suggestions for where to find these items affordably. 

*Also let us know if you own, manage, or otherwise have access to a haunted location and would be willing to let us come in at little to no cost! We'd love to help you promote your location if you want, or we can be confidential in the matter. 

*Are you interested in investigating with us or volunteering at one of our events? We'd love to talk with you! Contact us at one of the methods below! 

Contact Us:

GoFundMe Link

SRI Website

SRI Facebook


Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The Haunting of Mose (Old Hospital on College Hill)

Photo from The Old Hospital on College Hill Facebook

Recently, Spectral Research and Investigation (SRI) traveled to Williamson, WV to investigate the haunted and historic Old Hospital on College Hill. Formerly known as Williamson Memorial, the hospital opened to patients on March 3, 1928 after a devastating fire destroyed the town's previous hospital. Built as a state of the art facility, Williamson Memorial served patients throughout southwestern West Virginia and eastern Kentucky for 60 years before being converted into doctors' offices, and then later used as storage. In 2020, the hospital was purchased by private investors, with the intent of saving the historic building and sharing that history with the well as offering a really awesome spooky tourism opportunity. Public and private ghost hunts began earlier this year, and lemme tell you---if you get the chance to participate in an investigation or attend some other spooky event hosted by the Old Hospital on College Hill, DO IT! You won't be disappointed.

SRI had an extremely eventful evening, and I'll definitely be sharing all that in the upcoming weeks (also follow us on Facebook for updates!), but I wanted to start breaking down some of the most well-known ghost stories from the hospital. Let's get started with the haunting of Mose Blackburn. 

In the early hours of Saturday, July 21, 1962, a man named Mose Blackburn and his wife Ora had gotten into a pretty heated fight outside of the restaurant they owned on Pike Street. The police were called, and Lt. Garnet Richmond, accompanied by Patrolman Howard Hatfield arrived in their cruiser. When they arrived at the restaurant, they found Mose sitting in one car, and Ora in another. Hatfield got out of his vehicle and began to approach Mose’s car. At that time, Mose drew his .22 pistol. Richmond got out and circled Mose’s vehicle from the other side. Mose fired a shot through his windshield, and struck Lt. Richmond below the left eye. A gun battle ensued, and with 20 bullets fired, Mose ended up being struck in the right arm before being subdued when additional officers arrived.

 Both Richmond and Blackburn were taken to Williamson Memorial for the treatment of their injuries. Unfortunately, Lt. Richmond did not survive. According to his death certificate, he was shot around midnight, and was declared deceased 25 minutes later. In truth, he probably was dead long before he even made it to the hospital.

 Lt. Garnet Richmond was a 43 year old veteran of WWII. He left behind a wife, Ola Mae, a daughter Marcia, a step-daughter Janice, and…according to the Officer Down website, a daughter named Garnet Elaine who he never met. It seems as if Ola Mae had been pregnant at the time of the shooting. He was buried in Mt. View Memory Gardens in Huddy, Kentucky.

Hinton Daily News, 30 July 1962

Blackburn’s arm wound must have been fairly serious, because he was still in the hospital on Tuesday, July 24th. A newspaper article from that day states that his arraignment was to be held upon his release from the hospital and had been scheduled for Monday (presumably the following Monday-July 30th?). However, Mose would never make it to his arraignment.

While under the care of hospital staff, Mose was guarded by two sheriff’s deputies, who took turns watching him. These deputies were Enoch Fillinger and Morrie Blair. On Sunday night, July 29th, it is reported that Mose asked Fillinger to go to the nurse’s station and get him a drink of water. When Fillinger had stepped out of the room, Mose took off running out of his third floor room into the hallway, and leapt out a window. It is surmised that Mose had tried to commit suicide ahead of his Monday arraignment, but the fall left him in critical condition---for awhile at least.

 Mose survived and was being treated at Williamson Memorial up until his death at 2:15 am on Friday morning, August 24, 1962.  In a newspaper article from the next day, the Mingo County coroner, Tabor Ball, declared the cause of death to be an abscess on the lung. The death certificate backs this finding up, stating that the immediate cause of death was a condition called ‘empyema,’ which is when pus builds up in the area between the lungs and inner chest wall. This condition arose from having fractured his rib in his jump from the hospital window. In that leap, he also managed to suffer a broken femur, a fractured mandible, and multiple contusions, on top of the injuries sustained to his right arm in the gun battle. Mose was buried in Davis Memorial Gardens in Stone, Kentucky.  These are the facts as are backed up by newspaper articles and death certificates. What is left to speculation is whether or not Mose REALLY jumped out that 3rd story window or not, and if he did, why.

Mose's Death Certificate (Source)

Various sources have speculated that Mose did not jump on his own accord. Rather, he was thrown/pushed out the window by one of the police officers in retaliation for killing one of their own. This is plausible if the window Mose jumped from was the window in his own room. If he was thrown out the hallway window, surely a nurse or another patient would have seen what was going on.  Maybe they did, but chose not to say anything about it.  

This is the short-form county-issued death certificate for Mose Blackburn, which
can be found hanging beside the window Mose is said to have leapt from. 
Note that cause of death is listed as emphysema, NOT empyema. I
believe this is a transcription error and that the true cause of death
is actually empyema, not emphysema. 
Photo by Bree Fitzpatrick, SRI

Either way, let’s say that Mose DID jump out the window on his own. It makes perfectly good sense that a man in his mid-50’s would choose suicide over spending the rest of his life in the state penitentiary, or more likely, facing the electric chair (WV didn’t abolish the death penalty until 1965).  However, there might be a darker reason. There are stories that leading up to the suicide attempt, Mose was plagued with nightmares about someone coming to get him, and had commented that he feared for his life. Was he afraid of the living, breathing police officers that were constantly watching his every move, or were his fears a little more…supernatural?  Could the spirit of Lt. Garnet Richmond, who suffered a terrible death at the hands of Mose Blackburn, have been haunting him? Both men were taken to the same hospital and treated by the same doctors, yet one of them was dead within the hour, never again to see his expanding family. Did Lt. Richmond get his revenge by scaring Mose so badly that he tried to escape that hospital through any means necessary? Did Richmond’s spirit actually physically push him?  These are the questions that paranormal investigators are trying to answer, as it is believed that Mose is one of the ghosts that haunt the Old Hospital on College Hill.

When Paranormal Quest investigated the building in Spring of 2021, they actually gathered some data in that area. One member felt something breeze by him several times, taking the route that Mose would have taken when fleeing towards the window. Various sensors designed to pick up energy also were activated along the route that Mose would have taken, but could also be interpreted as being along the route that the officer or a nurse would have taken if they had rushed from the nurse's station to the window.  Other claims include sightings of a man standing in a third story window, seen from the outside by neighbors and visitors, which may or may not be the spirit of Mose Blackburn.

SRI spent a portion of our evening attempting contact with Mose and actually had some rather intriguing words pop up on the Ovilus, as well as being spoken through a 'ghost box' device. Obviously, the Ovilus isn't a super scientific, fool-proof tool of paranormal investigation, but I will say that we were almost able to have a conversation with whatever or whomever may have been present, with little to no outlier words popping up. Communication was brief, and abruptly stopped after only a short time, but not before we were able to establish that Mose seemed to feel at least some level of remorse for what he had done, but also felt that he was a victim too. Again, there is absolutely no scientific proof that we contacted anyone, let alone Mose, but it was intriguing. 

If you're interesting in booking a private investigation at the Old Hospital on College Hill, or wish to stay up to date on all the public hunts and other spooky events held throughout the year, be sure to check out the official Old Hospital on College Hill website, as well as their Facebook page. Stay spooky, ya'll! 

Information for this blog post came from the following newspaper articles:

"Cop Killer Critical." The Raleigh Register. 30 July 1962

"Police Lt. Killed in Gun Battle at Williamson." Beckley Post Herald. 22 July 1962

"Cop Killer to be Arraigned." The Weirton Daily Times. 24 July 1962

"Death Cause Fixed." Beckley Post Herald. 25 August 1962

"Williamson Man Jumps Hospital." Hinton Daily News. 30 July 1962

"Slayer of Williamson Cop Dies in Hospital." The Raleigh Register. 24 August 1962

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Electric Chair Ghost

Happy Weird Wednesday! Today, we'll be looking at an alleged ghost photo with a REALLY WEIRD story behind it. I mean, all alleged ghost photos are inherently weird, but there's just something rather intriguing about this one and the potential explanations behind it. Without further ado...

In the autumn of 1983, Watford, UK resident, Karen Collett, took a daytrip to London with her family. While traveling the Bakerloo Line of the London Underground, her young nephew asked her to snap a photo of him. She complied, and thought nothing more of it, until several months later. When she finally got that roll of film developed, she didn't even take a look at them before handing them off to her father and her sister's boyfriend to peruse. As the two men were going through the photos, Karen says she heard her dad say something along the lines of, 'well, that isn't very nice.' She asked what he meant, and he showed her the photo in question. 

Behind her nephew was the VERY clear image of a man in an electric chair, complete with little blue lightning bolts flying from his fingers. Obviously, Karen nor her family remember seeing the image in or outside of the moving subway train while the photo was being taken, and could not explain how the image got there. In an effort to uncover the mystery, the photo and negatives were sent to a couple of different people for analysis. 

Maurice Grosse of the Society for Psychical Research examined the photo and made a rather...shocking...discovery (see what I did there?).  The image in the photo was an exact replica of an exhibit in Madame Tussaud's Chamber of Horrors, located in the wax museum's London location. The man portrayed in the exhibit is Bruno Hauptmann. Hauptmann was found guilty in the kidnapping and death of the Lindberg baby. Hauptmann was sentenced to death for these alleged crimes, and was electrocuted by electric chair on April 3, 1936 in Trenton, New Jersey. 

The question then arises as to WHY would a man executed nearly 50 years before in another country show himself to a young family on the London Underground? Robert Cox believes he has the answer. Cox, who worked for the National Museum of Photography, Film, and Television, examined the photo and the negatives and concluded that the amateur camera was so cheap and so simple that any sort of photo manipulation or trickery could be ruled out.  However, Cox believes the answer behind the 'ghost' in the photo is a simple misidentification. He believes that the image is a poster or advertisement of some kind!

Hauptmann Wax Figure

Mystery solved, right? Maybe, but maybe not. When Maurice Grosse investigated the matter further, he found that advertisements would have only been located in various stations, not in the trains themselves, nor along the line. Also, when Madame Tussaud's was contacted, they claimed that they never had any advertising campaigns featuring that particular image. To me, that doesn't necessarily rule out the possibility of a poster/advertisement. My first thought was that a local band used the altered image as a flyer to advertise an upcoming show. If something like that was the case, Madame Tussaud's wouldn't know about it and it could have been put up in the train or outside of it without the permission/knowledge of the Underground. 

There's an interesting postscript to this story that may offer further insight. Karen states later on, she accompanied a friend to a psychic reading. After the friend's reading, the psychic came out and said that he had a message for Karen. She was flabbergasted, since she wasn't there for a reading, and didn't know of anyone on the other side that may have a message for her. The psychic stated that the message concerned her photo and that there was a man who wanted to say, "I'm accused of something I didn't do." Interestingly, recent investigation into the Lindberg kidnapping case suggests that Hauptmann might actually be innocent. 

This isn't your typical photo with a 'ghost' in it. It's a photo seemingly with the ghost of a wax figure in it, or perhaps even the ghost of a poster of a wax figure??  And further, what's more mysterious than HOW the image got into the photo is WHY. If the spirit of Bruno Hauptmann wanted to clear his name, why use an image of his wax likeness to communicate to a seemingly random woman in another country? Why not manifest as himself...his non-wax self? Anyway, if you have any insights on this weird photo, let me know in the comments below, or join us over on Theresa's Haunted History Facebook.  Stay spooky, ya'll! 

Want MORE ghost stories from the London Underground? Check out the awesome 2005 documentary, Ghosts on the Underground, available to view free at YouTube. Most of the information for this post came from this documentary!